1. Now am I strong in Thee, O Jehovih. Thy bow in the firmament encompasseth me on all sides. The follies of earth have turned mine eyes up toward thy holy place.
2. I have beholden Thine enemies bowed down. The king and the mighty man of valor with the two-edged sword are hid away in a dark corner. There is no light for them. Sweet-scented flowers hast Thou grown up in the way of him who will not look upward; but a serpent cometh upon him and he crieth out against the vanities of the earth.
3. In the far-off corners of the world hast Thou sown the seed of evil and death, and the man of darkness hurrieth thither; but Thy glories he will not behold. He buildeth his foundation in perishable things. But the hope of the righteous man lighteth up the inner chamber. He beholdeth Thy judgment seat. He seeketh Thee in all good things and durable; he glorifieth Thee in Thy works.
4. I will turn away from my house and my lands and look upward all my days. Yea, the fruits of the earth shall be my servants; my crown shall be woven by Thy hands.
5. My heart pointeth up toward Thy kingdom; but the heart of the man of darkness is downward to things that perish? Thou hast set Eon (Aries or Te) in the midst, and he shall judge the living and the dead.
6. Thou hast made me above the diamond and above all precious stones; but the man of darkness goeth after these. Thy children he careth not for; he seeth not. Verily, will I run quickly to them and lift them up. They shall be gems for my raiment; they shall become a glory in Thy sight. Yea, I will turn their eyes up toward Thy holy place.
77.--Tablet of Ancient Egypt.*
*Those who sat around the table for spirit communion kept their eyes riveted on the graven characters. He who sat at the end where the crown is, was the oldest and was called rab'bah (father). It will be observed that the invocation is more than an interpretation of the characters, although they are all designated in the words. The rab'bah led off, but all the circle joined in the reading of it. The gau, the plumb-line, was moved by the spirits in answer to the questions of the rab'bah. In some countries the gypsies, who are supposed to be descendents to ancient Egypt, still invoke spirits in this way.--[Ed.
7. Before them will I set up Gau, and the magnitude and glory of Thy worlds shall entrance them.
8. Thy unseen hand shall become seen, and my brothers and sisters shall read the diadems in Thy firmament. Thine hand hath quickened my eyes to see and mine ears to hear Thee, O Thou Life of my life!
9. My understanding cometh out of Thy tablet (book). Its pages are graven with the sun, moon and stars. Yea, all things proclaim the words Thou hast written. None can counterfeit Thy handiwork. From Thy tablet will I read from the rising of the sun till the going down thereof.
10. My hands shall be skilled with tools to do Thy labor. Fabrics will I weave, and my house shall be built within the square of Thy compass, for it shall be righteous work. My eye shall look toward Thy dwelling-place. I know Thy sight is upon me. I will be joyful before Thee, my Father!
11. To none other will I bow myself in supplication and worship. Before Thee will I labor for peace on all occasions.
12. My hand will I uplift in Thy behalf, and yet no man shall feel the weight of mine arm upon him. By Thy crescent am I sworn unto Thee. By the seven stars and by the sun which is in the midst of the firmament and is the glory thereof, and by the moon, have I spoken.
13. Before Rea (Es, the air and ether), in Thy name have I sworn. I have lifted up my voice. I will have no diadem but that that is woven by Thee!
14. I will sing Thee new songs every day, and find new words of praise for Thy glories. My trials shall be as whet-stones and a hewing-ax. My talents shall increase in wisdom and in whatsoever way Thou leadest me for my own good.
15. Before Thy sacred altar will I come, knowing Thy angels will come also. Yea, they shall teach me thy decrees.
16. Thy gifts shall be my gifts, my portion, whatsoever seemeth just in Thy sight.
17. Thy messengers shall come to me, and my house shall be their house, they shall behold my labor; they shall admonish me wisely.
18. They shall teach me wisdom in all Thou desirest of me. The secret of my love to Thee will I tell them, and I know they will lift me up for Thy glory. In Thy praise will I sing forever, O Jehovih! Amen!