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what's up yo! it's gots to be homie 1, 2, and 3... rai, april, and annie here with the most kickin' humor you've ever seen on nsync! we are all true nsync fans, but those guys are just so easy to make fun of! we mean there's lance aka mrs. bass! who wears more make-up than all 3 of us put together! and there's jc who sleeps all day but he's hyper on stage! lol! peace out yo! *rai* *april* and *annie*

Go GeT MaRRieD To YouR FaVe *NSYNCeR!!

aDoPt yOuR FaVoRiTe *NSyNcEr!!

aSK JuJu THe QueSTioNS To aLL YouR PRoBLeMoS Yo!


HeLLa HuMoRiSh PiCtUrEs We MaDe FuN oF!

JuJu'Z CaR Yo!

LiNk DiS FLy HoMiE g SiTe!

GeT ThE FLy 411 oN uS 3 HoMiEs yO!

WiN aN aWaRD FRoM uS 3 HoMieZ!

ChEcK OuT OuR KiCkiN' AwArDs We WoN Yo!

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rai, april, and annie.

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iF YoU WaNt tO Be oN OuR LaBeL, SeNd HoMiE 1 aKa rAi aN E-mAiL!