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Neil's Webpage


Do I get a bravery award for putting this pic up? It's a deadset shocker!! It was taken on our hotel balcony in Queenstown, NZ, while we were there back in July 2004. It was taken on the 2nd last day of our holiday, so no prizes for guessing what I looked like when I got back home. Anyway no-one really ever looks at this site anymore (that I know of), so I thought I may as well. The worst it can do is scare a few people- and that's a good thing, coz scaring people is fun! :D On a sporting note, I have managed to do what many people may have done before, but not in the same way- that is win a championship undefeated, for the 2nd time in 5 years, the same year your country makes the world cup, and all this along with the mighty Wests Tigers winning the 2005 NRL championship. What a year! Anyway, enough for now, if you want to chat with me, I have msn messenger- and also Yahoo messenger (don't use it as much as msn though)-

Also, don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave :)



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Sports I like.
Northern Spirit F.C Memorial site.
