//Below is the code that pre-loads the graphics //These are the first button graphics graphic1= new Image(); graphic1.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic1on = new Image(); graphic1on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; //These are the second button graphics graphic2= new Image(); graphic2.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic2on = new Image(); graphic2on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic3= new Image(); graphic3.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic3on = new Image(); graphic3on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic4= new Image(); graphic4.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic4on = new Image(); graphic4on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic5= new Image(); graphic5.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic5on = new Image(); graphic5on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic6= new Image(); graphic6.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic6on = new Image(); graphic6on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic7= new Image(); graphic7.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic7on = new Image(); graphic7on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic8= new Image(); graphic8.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; graphic8on = new Image(); graphic8on.src = "Skatefiles/blank.gif"; { //These are the large images alt0 = new Image(); alt0.src = "Skatefiles/info.JPG"; alt1 = new Image(); alt1.src = "Skatefiles/infotips.JPG"; alt2 = new Image(); alt2.src = "Skatefiles/infologos.JPG"; alt3 = new Image(); alt3.src = "Skatefiles/infolinks.JPG"; alt4 = new Image(); alt4.src = "Skatefiles/inforamps.JPG"; alt5 = new Image(); alt5.src = "Skatefiles/infoparks.JPG"; alt6 = new Image(); alt6.src = "Skatefiles/infopros.JPG"; alt7 = new Image(); alt7.src = "Skatefiles/infofriends.JPG"; alt8 = new Image(); alt8.src = "Skatefiles/infoarchives.JPG"; //This is the function that calls for //the change in the buttons } function imageChange(imageID,imageName,imageID2,imageName2) { { document.images[imageID].src = eval(imageName + ".src"); document.images[imageID2].src = eval(imageName2 + ".src"); } }
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I started this site in 1999. It has been neglected but it still works.