Bauman/Bowman Connections

First Generation
1. Ulie "Julius" BUMAN. Born 1369 in Zimmerberg, Canton Zurich, Switzerland. Died
Approx 1425. Occupation farmer.
Ulie was known as "Julius the farmer". He resided in Zimmerberg, Canton Zurich,
Switzerland. Zimmerberg means "small mountain".
2 i. Hans BUMAN
Second Generation
2. Hans BUMAN. Son of Ulie "Julius" BUMAN. Born Approx 1395 in Zimmerberg,
Switzerland. Died 1420.
According to tax records, Hans inherited a farm. he paid taxes from 1409 to 1420.
3 i. Peter BUMAN
Third Generation
3. Peter BUMAN. Son of Hans BUMAN. Born Approx 1420 in Zimmerberg, Switzerland.
Died 1501 in Zimmerberg, Switzerland.
Peter is thought to have been born in Zimmerberg.
He paid taxes in Zimmerberg from 1455 to 1501.
He married Greta WIDMER, Approx 1446. Born 1425.
They had the following children:
4 i. Uly Widmer BUMAN
Fourth Generation
4. Uly Widmer BUMAN. Son of Peter BUMAN & Greta WIDMER. Born 1449 in
Zimmerberg, Switzerland. Died 1491 in Zimmerberg, Switzerland.
Uly moved to Rennimattle, but later moved back to Zimmerberg. Zimmerberg is thought
to be where he was born.
5 i. Hans BUMAN
Fifth Generation
5. Hans BUMAN. Son of Uly Widmer BUMAN. Born Approx 1470 in Switzerland. Died 1555
in Switzerland.
Hans resided in Luttermoss and Wyenbach. he paid taxes from 1491 to 1555.
He married Verena LEHMANN.
They had the following children:
6 i. Gross Hans Lehmann BUMAN
Sixth Generation
6. Gross Hans Lehmann BUMAN. Son of Hans BUMAN & Verena LEHMANN. Born Approx
1505 in Switzerland. Died 1559 in Wuriback, Switzerland.
Gross Hans was also known as "Big John".
i. Hans BUMAN; Born Approx 1535 in Switzerland.
ii. Uly BUMAN; Born Approx 1538 in Switzerland.
7 iii. Cleinhans BUMAN
Seventh Generation
7. Cleinhans BUMAN. Son of Gross Hans Lehmann BUMAN. Born Approx 1540 in Kuhwile,
Switzerland. Died 1606 in Durrenmoos, Switzerland.
Cleinhans was also known as" Little John".
He paid taxes in Kuhweile, Switzerland from 1557 to 1606, thus it is believed that is where
he was born. Kuhweile means "cattle pasture".
He married Margaret SUTER, Approx 1562 in Switzerland. Born Approx 1544 in
They had the following children:
i. Adelheit Suter BUMAN; Born 29 April 1563 in Switzerland.
ii. Hans Suter BUMAN; Born 8 April 1565 in Switzerland.
iii. Margaret Suter BUMAN; Born 2 February 1566/1567 in Switzerland.
8 iv. Junghans Suter BUMAN
v. Hartmann BUMAN; Born 2 October 1572 in Switzerland.
vi. Kungolt Suter BUMAN; Born 6 September 1576 in Switzerland.
Eighth Generation
8. Junghans Suter BUMAN. Son of Cleinhans BUMAN & Margaret SUTER. Born 26
November 1570 in Ober Durrenmoos, Gmnd Hirzel, Horgenberg, Switzerland. Died 26
February 1619/1620 in Durrenmoos, Switzerland.
Juhghans was called "Young John".
He married Elsbeth RUSSERIN/RUSSIONI, Approx 1590. Born Approx 1570.
They had the following children:
i. Heinrich Russerin BUMAN; Born 16 November 1589.
ii. Margaret Russerin BUMAN; Born 17 February 1590/1591.
iii. Martin Russerin BUMAN; Born 12 May 1594.
iv. Hans Russerin BUMAN; Born 27 June 1596.
v. Anneli Russerin BUMAN; Born 25 September 1598.
9 vi. Oswald "Oswalt" BUMAN
vii. Balthasar Russerin BUMAN; Born 19 September 1602.
viii. Elsbeth Russerin BUMAN; Born 9 April 1604.
ix. Marx Russerin BUMAN; Born 22 March 1606/1607.
x. Verena Russerin BUMAN; Born 18 March 1609/1610.
xi. Margaret Russerin BUMAN; Born 28 January 1611/1612.
xii. Hans Heinrich Russerin BUMAN; Born 28 January 1615/1616.
xiii. Rudolf Russerin BUMAN; Born 15 September 1619.
Ninth Generation
9. Oswald "Oswalt" BUMAN. Son of Junghans Suter BUMAN & Elsbeth
RUSSERIN/RUSSIONI. Born 10 August 1600 in Ober Durrenmoos, Gmnd Hirzel,
Horgenberg, Switzerland. Died 1673 in Upper Durrenmoos.
He first married Verena LANDOLT, 1623 in Switzerland. Died 1629.
They had the following children:
i. Benedict Landolt BAUMANN; Born 1627 in Switzerland. Died After
He married Catharina SANTMANN. Born About 1630 in Switzerland.
He second married Judith DANDIKER, 1630 in Switzerland. Born 1605.
They had the following children:
10 i. Hans Rudolf (John) Dandiker BAUMANN
10th Generation
10. Hans Rudolf (John) Dandiker BAUMANN. Son of Oswald "Oswalt" BUMAN & Judith
DANDIKER. Born 1636 in Switzerland. Christen 26 December 1636 in Herzel, Switzerland.
Died About 1690 in Rotterdam, Holland.
Hans lived in Durrenmoos, Switzerland.
He married Anna SANTMANN, 1670 in Switzerland. Born About 1650 in Switzerland.
They had the following children:
11 i. Wendel Santmann BAUMAN
12 ii. John "Johannes" Santmann BAUMAN/BOWMAN Sr.
11th Generation
11. Wendel Santmann BAUMAN. Son of Hans Rudolf (John) Dandiker BAUMANN & Anna
SANTMANN. Born 1681 in Thun, Canton of Berne, Switzerland. Died April 1735 in Pequea,
Lancaster Co., PA. Buried in Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co., PA ?. Occupation coppersmith.
Arrived in Philadephia, PA in 1707 or 1709.
It appears that he lived in Germantown, PA until 1709 after his arrival.
Wendel came to America under the leadership of Rev. Hans Herr, a Swiss Mennonite
Bowman and eight other Mennonites, having arrived in October on the ship "Mary Hope"
left Gravesend, England in June via Rotterdam, Holland, having sailed up the Rhine from
The nine heads of families arranged with William Penn's agents and the Provincial surveyor
for 10,000 acres of land on Pequea Creek in the wilderness, 60 miles west of Philadelphia.
The land is now in Lancaster County and is four miles southeast of the present site of the
city of Lancaster. The village of Lampeter is now located on Wendell's land.
In 1710, Wendel Bowman built himself a log cabin. It was torn down in 1874. An article
about this old house and its picture appeared in the Lancaster "New Era" on March 6,
He married Anne. Born Approx 1685. Died Before 1735.
They had the following children:
13 i. Christian BAUMAN
14 ii. Jacob BAUMAN
iii. Michael BOWMAN; Born About 1702.
Lived near Lancaster, PA. His descendents moved into Canada.
iv. Anna BOWMAN; Born 1703. Died 11 February 1771.
Lived in northeastern Lancaster Co., PA with the Weaver clan of
She married Jacob WEAVER.
v. John BAUMAN; Born About 1710. Died About 1749.
vi. Benjamin BOWMAN (I); Born About 1712. Died About 1775.
Lived on the old homestead for a while, then moved to Pittsburgh, PA
where all trace of him is lost.
vii. Joseph BOWMAN; Born About 1714.
Lived on the old homestead for a while, then moved to Pittsburgh, PA
where all trace of him is lost.
viii. Magdalena BAUMAN; Born 1719.
She married Jacob GROH.
ix. Peter BAUMAN; Born September 1726.
12. John "Johannes" Santmann BAUMAN/BOWMAN Sr. Son of Hans Rudolf (John)
Dandiker BAUMANN & Anna SANTMANN. Born 1685 in Canton of Berne, Switzerland. Died
1738. Anc. File # Swiss Mennonite.
Came across to America in 1712.
He married Barbara.
They had the following children:
i. John BOWMAN Jr.;
ii. Casper BOWMAN;
iii. Anna BOWMAN;
iv. Maria BOWMAN;
v. Frene BOWMAN;
vi. Margarita BOWMAN;
vii. Eva Ann BOWMAN;
viii. Barbara BOWMAN;
ix. Elizabeth BOWMAN;
12th Generation
13. Christian BAUMAN. Son of Wendel Santmann BAUMAN & Anne. Born About 1700.
Died 1735.
He married Barbara.
They had the following children:
i. John BAUMAN; Born 1720.
ii. Jacob BAUMAN; Born 1722.
15 iii. Christian BAUMAN
iv. Barbara BAUMAN; Born 29 December 1726.
v. Elizabeth BAUMAN; Born 19 July 1728.
14. Jacob BAUMAN. Son of Wendel Santmann BAUMAN & Anne. Born About 1701. Died
About 1745.
He married Elizabeth.
They had the following children:
16 i. Christian BOWMAN
ii. John BOWMAN;
John and his brothers, Christian and Jacob, were on the first
assesment of Somerset Co., PA.
iii. Jacob BOWMAN;
Jacob and his brothers, Christian and John, were on the first
assesment of Somerset Co., PA.
13th Generation
15. Christian BAUMAN. Son of Christian BAUMAN & Barbara. Born 13 August 1724 in
Lampeter, Lancaster, PA. Died 25 July 1790 in Alleghany, Valley, Berks Co., PA. Buried in
Mennonite Cem., Alleghenyville, Berks Co., PA.
Research: LDS AFN: 4BL0-DQ
He married Elizabeth OBERHALTZER. Born 27 August 1724 in Alleghenyville, Berks Co.,
PA. Died 2 February 1791.
Research: LDS AFN: 4BL0-FW
They had the following children:
i. Barbara BAUMAN; Born 9 December 1746. Died 14 May 1810.
ii. Jacob BAUMAN; Born 20 February 1751. Died 4 July 1820.
17 iii. Christian BAUMAN
18 iv. Wendel BAUMAN
v. Joseph BAUMAN; Born 19 July 1766. Died 29 October 1842.
16. Christian BOWMAN. Son of Jacob BAUMAN & Elizabeth.
Christian and his brothers John and Jacob were on the first assessment of Somerset Co.,
i. John BOWMAN; Born 8 August 1777.
ii. Barbara BOWMAN; Born 4 January 1779.
iii. Jacob BOWMAN; Born 4 November 1781.
19 iv. Peter BOWMAN
14th Generation
17. Christian BAUMAN. Son of Christian BAUMAN & Elizabeth OBERHALTZER. Born 21
October 1753. Died 26 May 1807.
He first married Ann HUBER. Born 1756. Died 1792.
They had the following children:
i. Magdalena BAUMAN; Born 9 January 1783. Died 22 March 1859.
She married John GOOD. Born 18 March 1777. Died 10 January 1862.
ii. Joseph BAUMAN;
iii. Elizabeth BAUMAN;
iv. Samuel BAUMAN;
He second married Anna GEHMANN. Born About 1770.
They had the following children:
i. Anna Marie BAUMAN;
ii. Daniel BAUMAN;
iii. Mary BAUMAN;
iv. Sallie BAUMAN;
18. Wendel BAUMAN. Son of Christian BAUMAN & Elizabeth OBERHALTZER. Born 25
February 1758. Died 20 November 1842.
He first married Elizabeth WEBER. Born 22 December 1764. Died 4 February 1843.
They had the following children:
20 i. Benjamin BAUMAN
ii. Elizabeth BAUMAN; Born 24 May 1788.
iii. Maria BAUMAN; Born 15 August 1789.
iv. Esther BAUMAN; Born 31 July 1790.
v. Sem BAUMAN; Born 13 January 1792.
vi. Susanna BAUMAN; Born 30 March 1793.
vii. Daniel BAUMAN; Born 15 December 1794.
viii. Joseph BAUMAN; Born 8 March 1796.
ix. Christian BAUMAN; Born 14 March 1797.
x. Barbara BAUMAN; Born 17 January 1799.
xi. Lydia BAUMAN; Born 7 July 1802.
He second married Maria HUBER, 4 May 1784. Born 20 May 1760. Died 20 April 1816.
19. Peter BOWMAN. Son of Christian BOWMAN. Born 20 February 1783.
He married Mary HORNER, daughter of Soloman HORNER & Elizabeth, 7 August 1805 in
Somerset, PA. Born 27 January 1784. Died 1 January 1880 in PA. Buried 3 January 1880 in
Shaffer's School House, PA.
They had the following children:
i. Joseph BOWMAN; Born 13 December 1806.
ii. Elizabeth BOWMAN; Born 4 September 1807.
iii. John BOWMAN; Born 23 January 1810.
21 iv. Susana "Susan" BOWMAN
v. Jacob BOWMAN; Born 27 June 1814.
vi. Benjamin BOWMAN; Born 19 October 1816. Died 3 January 1908.
Buried in Odd Fellows Cem., Que... Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
He married Susanna BERKEY. Born 12 March 1821. Died 9 January
1888. Buried in Odd Fellows Cem., Que... Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
15th Generation
20. Benjamin BAUMAN. Son of Wendel BAUMAN & Elizabeth WEBER. Born 15 February
1787. Died 7 December 1874.
He married Susannah BECHTEL. Born 16 June 1797. Died 19 September 1870.
They had the following children:
i. Moses BAUMAN; Born 9 November 1819.
ii. Joseph BAUMAN; Born 11 May 1821.
iii. Magdalena BAUMAN; Born 30 September 1822.
iv. Benjamin BAUMAN; Born 22 February 1825.
v. Susannah BAUMAN; Born 26 September 1826.
22 vi. Tobias BOWMAN
vii. Maria BAUMAN; Born 18 September 1831.
viii. Samuel BAUMAN; Born 15 July 1834.
ix. Elizabeth BAUMAN; Born 29 October 1835.
21. Susana "Susan" BOWMAN. Daughter of Peter BOWMAN & Mary HORNER. Born 31
December 1811.
She married George LOHR II, son of John George LOHR & Barbara MILLER. Born in
Somerset Co., PA. Christen 3 April 1809 in Stoystown Lutheran Ch., Quemahoning Twp.,
Somerset Co., PA. Died After 21 March 1849 in Somerset Co., PA.
They had the following children:
23 i. Franklin LOHR
ii. George LOHR III;
24 iii. Mary LOHR
25 iv. Susanna "Susan" LOHR
26 v. John J. LOHR
vi. Benjamin LOHR; Born About 1843 in Somerset Co., PA. Died in
Vancouver, WA.
vii. Hiram LOHR; Born in Somerset Co., PA.
viii. Rachel LOHR; Born in Somerset Co., PA. Died in PA.
She married ? HERSHBERGER.
ix. Henry LOHR; Born 1849 in Somerset Co., PA. Died 1909 in Kemon,
Madera Co., CA.
He married Eva ?.
27 x. William LOHR
16th Generation
22. Tobias BOWMAN. Son of Benjamin BAUMAN & Susannah BECHTEL. Born 26 June
1829. Died 2 September 1909.
He married Anna SNYDER, 24 April 1853.
They had the following children:
28 i. Christian BOWMAN
ii. Sarah BOWMAN (d. young/unmar.)
29 iii. Benjamin BOWMAN
iv. Absolom BOWMAN (d. young/unmar.)
30 v. Dilman BOWMAN
vi. Moses BOWMAN (d. young/unmar.)
31 vii. Leah BOWMAN
32 viii. Tobias BOWMAN
33 ix. Anna BOWMAN
x. Levi BOWMAN
xi. Aaron BOWMAN
34 xii. Aenos BOWMAN
23. Franklin LOHR. Son of George LOHR II & Susana "Susan" BOWMAN. Born 27 June
1834 in Stonycreek Twp., Somerset Co., PA. Died 19 May 1929 in Lebanon, Lebanon Co.,
OH/PA. Buried 23 May 1929 in Beulah, Polk Co., NB.
He married Mary SHANKS, April 1856 in Shanksville, Somerset Co., PA.
They had the following children:
i. Lincoln LOHR
ii. Charles LOHR
iii. Carrie LOHR
iv. Georgia LOHR
v. S. LOHR
24. Mary LOHR. Daughter of George LOHR II & Susana "Susan" BOWMAN. Born 24
August 1838 in Somerset Co., PA. Died 15 December 1915 in Silver Creek, Polk Co., NB.
Buried 22 December 1915 in Beulah Cem., Polk Co., NB.
She first married William SWORTWOOD.
She second married Alexander SHANK, son of Daniel SHANK (Rev.) & Eva KELLER, 26
March 1857 in Buckstown, Somerset Co., PA. Born 7 February 1836 in Shanksville,
Somerset Co., PA. Died 13 January 1896 in Florence, CO. Buried 15 January 1896 in
Beulah Cem., Polk Co., NE.
Settled in Polk Co., NE.
They had the following children:
i. W. R. SHANK
ii. Suria SHANK
iii. Emma Jane SHANK
35 iv. Charles Lincoln SHANK
v. Susan A. SHANK
vi. Elmira SHANK
vii. Daniel SHANK
viii. Harmon SHANK
ix. Eva SHANK
x. John Edward SHANK
xi. George SHANK
xii. Ralph Franklyn SHANK
xiii. Fredrick SHANK
25. Susanna "Susan" LOHR. Daughter of George LOHR II & Susana "Susan" BOWMAN.
Born 17 July 1842 in Shanksville, Somerset Co., PA. Died 25 May 1934 in Osceola, Polk
Co., NB. Buried in Osceola, Polk Co., NB. Occupation storekeeper/grocer.
She married Joshua FINECY, son of William FINECY & Catherine BRANT, 10 March 1864 in
Somerset Co., PA. Born 5 May 1844 in Somerset Co., PA. Died in Beulah, Polk Co., NB.
Occupation storekeeper/grocer; fought for PA in Civil War.
Joshua enlisted in Company D, 133rd Pennsylvania Vol. Infantry on Aug. 5, 1862 athe the
age of 18. In Washington, DC, his company was assigned to the Army of the Potomac. he
participated in the Battle of Fredricksburg under the command of General A. E. Burnsides
and was afterward confined to the hospital with measles. On the experation of his term of
enlistment he was discharged May 26, 1863. On 26 Sept. 1863, he was drafted into
Company I, 52nd PA Vol. Infantry. He joined his regiment at Morris Island, where he
remained until after Sherman captured Charleston, where he was on picket duty for eight
days. He went to Beaufort, SC by boat, then to Goldsboro, NC. He later joined Sherman's
army at Raleigh, NC. he was mustered out at Salisbury, NC and finally discharged June
23, 1865, having never been wounded or captured.
Joshua took his family from PA to IL to NB after the Civil War in a covered wagon. His
mother would not cross the Missouri River until it froze over so, they had to wait until
His farm in Nebraska was located on section 31, township 15, range 3 in Polk County.
Joshua had the first store in Nebraska Territory. It was called the Beulah Store and was in
the town of Beulah. There was also a blacksmith shop in the building. The family lived
behind the store in the same building.
Research: LDS info submitter:
John William Davis
3669 South 2245 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2943
Ref Submission: AF95-107184
They had the following children:
36 i. Eugene Ellsworth FINECY
ii. Ada {Ida} Bertha FINECY
iii. Mary FINECY
iv. John FINECY
v. Benjamin FINECY
vi. George FINECY
37 vii. Frances FINECY
viii. Florizella FINECY
26. John J. LOHR. Son of George LOHR II & Susana "Susan" BOWMAN. Born 19 May
1844 in Shanksville, Somerset Co., PA. Died 22 July 1909 in San Diego, San Diego Co.,
CA. Buried 28 July 1909 in Beulah, Polk Co., NB.
He married Flora Zell WILCOX, 22 March 1881 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NB.
They had the following children:
i. William Perry LOHR
ii. Caldwell LOHR
iii. Altina Ashley LOHR (Twin)
iv. Altinus LOHR (Twin)
27. William LOHR. Son of George LOHR II & Susana "Susan" BOWMAN.
He married Catherine SHANK, daughter of Daniel SHANK (Rev.) & Eva KELLER. Born 1841
in Stonycreek Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
They had the following children:
38 i. Harry LOHR
ii. William Jr. LOHR
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