Ok, everyone....I do know this is a JetC list, but I feel like I can't write any more stories without sending them to you guys! Feedback and criticism is greatly needed, as this isn't beta-ed yet, and I'm somewhat worried about some of my facts..... Hey, don't put that tissue away! You might need it for this one! One Last Birthday Cake Author: Celestia Contact: celestia@innocent.com Series: Voyager Rating: PG Codes: N, Kes, N/Kes Parts: Only 1! :) Archive: Anywhere, although you probably oughta ask first.... Feedback: YES YES YES!!! Or I'll send my evil, rabid tribbles after you..... **In honour of Jennifer Lien's birthday, 8/24/99. We, the fans of Voyager, sorely miss you as Kes, and wish you well in all future endeavors.** disclaimer: I understand that Paramount owns Voyager. I just think Voyager is breaking the Prime Directive by dealing with life-forms as primitive as Brannon Braga. (Sorry, Puckles and Jenna! :) *~*~*~* Dearest Kes, It would have been your birthday today. Your seventh, I think. Seven. So young to most, yet, to your species, you would have almost been a senior citizen. Would have. Of course, you still would have had that long, blonde hair, those blue eyes which always held such excitement, such zest for a life which most of us take for granted. Would have. I sigh at the use of the past tense. I've only recently been able to do that, sweeting. Before, I'd always thought that maybe you'd come back. Not permanently, or anything. Just to visit and smile and tell us about life on your new plane of existence. I baked you a cake. A Grisbian Nocha cake. With pink icing, which is what I used to write your name. Kes. In great big loopy letters. Just the way you like it. *Liked* it. I'd saved the Grisbian Nocha, tucked it away with my most secret stores of Leola Root...saving it for a special occasion. Saving it to share with you, my sweeting. But you've been gone almost two years now....and I still expect to see you appear in front of me, smiling and eating my cake, with icing on your lips, telling me how much you love it.... You, Kes, were the only one who really appreciated my cooking. Sure, the occasional crew-member will toss me a compliment, but then they'll turn their back to me and whisper to their friends. Something about the colour, about how much Leola Root it must contain...even the Captain does these things. She doesn't even like my coffee! Even my mother, the hardest Talaxian on Rinax to please, liked my coffee. Sweeting, I miss you. I love you. It's been two years. If they ever catch me talking to you, to myself, whomever, the might just consider me insane! Two years is a long time. Although, it doesn't make it any easier. This will be the last birthday cake I'll bake for you, my love...after that, you're on your own. I'm sure you can find a good bakery somewhere on that new plane of existence. You were the only one who really appreciated my jokes, too, dearest. Well, until we meet again, which, I'm sure we will, someday, maybe even in the Great Forest... Neelix *~*~*~* He wiped at the tears which were forming in his eyes as he folded the note, written on ancient paper, and set it on the table beside the cake. "Good bye, sweeting." The swoosh of the doors leading from the Mess Hall to the corridors echoed throughout the empty room. *~*~*~* By morning, the note, as well as most of the cake, was gone. A small note was left behind. Thank you, for everything. Kes. p.s I had to take some cake for new friends. But take the rest for yourself, Neelix. You deserve it. **fini**