The Beaulieu Motorcycle World Show - 23rd & 24th June 2001
Story and gallery
Another corking Hornet event!
For the second year running the weather was absolutely stonking hot.
A huge thank you should go to Rose who organised the stand location and all the tickets whilst heavily pregnant. She could have gone off at any time!
Thank yous also go to my wife Claire, Mrs Hornetmeister, for shipping all the tents and stand stuff down on Friday and comng back for it on Sunday!
To Porky, Sandra and Annabelle for cooking a top Barbecue for us all on the Saturday night.
To Mart, Porky and Sir James for making my sides split with laughter all weekend!
And to all the Horneteers that turned up with their spanking machines to put on the stand - without you lot the stand could not have looked so good.
I know I keep saying it, but you're a top bunch of people...
Some Highlights
The pictures tell the story, but here's some highlights...
20 Hornets on the stand on Staurday and 22 on the Sunday.
27 degrees on Friday, 29 degrees on Saturday and 31 on Sunday!
Sir James, being the rugged dude that he is, arrives with a tank bag containg just a clean T-shirt, a pair of shorts and a bottle of Tequila!
He intends to sleep under the stars - but the night turns cold with dew on the grass and he blags Mad Mark from Manchester's tent and Mark sleeps in the A Class Mercedes.
Needless to say - with no bedding or warm clothes Sir Jimmy ends up sleeping in the A-Class with Mark on the Saturday night - we get piccy's to proove it! lol
Fug1 and Sir James invest in a pair of Billy Bob teeth - awesome!
Quote of the weekend was Mart's early morning alarm call. At exactly 6.35 am anyone within a three tent radius was woken by Martin: "FRRRRRRRRRRRRR-RRRRRRRRR-RRRRRRRP!"
Oh - there were too many good bits...
Hornet's Nest photographers were Sir James, Mart, Little Insect and Richard Boese. Thanks for the pics!
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