Might as well Drop Dead...

As I sit at the computer, freezing up from the encroaching progression of arthritis -- my ass can't take a seat so well anymore, and I think about some people who can't even walk 10 ft. without suffering, if walk at all -- “ It’s the legs that give out first”, I've had people say. But they forget they couldn't see so well anymore, and manage to live because they adapt to whatever it is. Well, I believe if you sit down too long you can't get up anymore, so if I've got to keep moving, doing something. The fuss about the hope that the ‘Living Dead’ should keep on living has got to be the most disgusting sin. And I think that people who fear of death might have never known what it is to live. I feel like I've got one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel, but if I slip and go by my own devices I’ll just die laughing. Because all I'll miss is the horror that some older people think they must endure. Life is precious -- Bullshit! It's what you do with it that counts, and to think that you must live just because someone or something needs you is nothing but a sick vanity. To think that others won't have a life without you is just a projection of your own poverty at living your life yourself. Take the laws of the conservation of matter at heart, instead of the silliness about going to Hell or someplace, or to a degree you're already there in Hell. You fear death because you never had a life -- that's all. If you were a leaf that fell from a tree would you worry about how you hit the ground? Or just enjoy the ride? And the leaf will decompose and contribute to the whole of things and Life goes on. But no, we won't think that our passing would make way for something else, but greedily cling to it as if we were something separate from the rest of life, and actually we are if we think that way. Even Jesus said “…Whosoever would save his own life shall lose it”. So what I say he is that all I am is but a cell in the body of God. But if we're so selfish, and greedy, and stuck on our habits supported by my own self serving support group that maintains such a pattern-- then we would be nothing more than a cancer in God's body. Should we live life like we're carrying an empty jar, and decorated all fancy to pretend we have something, or fill it up with treasures and dispense it out to spread the joy without worrying that the vessel might break -- Because that worry will defy it's very purpose.
