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The Blood Angel Constitution


1. No Ex.JeŠi members

2. Must have a working e-mail

3. Must have icq/ and give the number to all Blood Angel members

4. Cannot be a member of another clan

5. No swearing at other Blood Angel members

6. No tapping or spawning (Battlezone)

7. No running over pilots unless they trying to snipe you or they asked to be killed (Battlezone)

8. No hacking (cheating) in any of the games the Blood Angels attend. In doing so, you will be disgracing the Blood Angels and you will be demoted or discharged from the Clan.

9. Both leaders approval are needed for new rules

10. Both leaders need to agree on declaring war on a clan

11. A leader may declare an individual an enemy by himself as long as his reason for doing so is valid

12. Cannot declare war on a clan because of what one member said ( I.E. calls the clan gay)

13. Any member of the Blood Angels may call a vote in regards to a law. Furthermore, HC has the right to veto a vote with both High Commanders approval. In the case that both HC disagree on the veto, a re-vote will be taken. If this should happen a second time, the vote will be discarded.

14. No recruiting during times of war unless specicfied by BAHC

15. In the case of spies detected within our ranks, war will be instantaneously declared upon that clan and the spy will be expelled.

16. New members will remain a Tri for a probation period of two weeks, during which they will be tested

17. Both High Commanders MUST to agree to promote or demote a member, and in the case of a Tri's two week probation period ending, unless he has passed all tests, he will remain a Tri for two more weeks, If he/she has not passed by then, he/she will be discharged.

18. If anyone is caught giving themselves a promotion, they will be discharged.

19. A trial may be held for members if they feel a leader/officer/member needs to be discharged/has wronged them in some way/or has broken a law. The accused party is to be given a weeks notice before the trial takes place to clean up they're act. All members will vote except that leader/officer/member and depending on who has more votes, to keep him/her or get rid of him/her. Tri's are not allowed to vote in this case, even if they get a promotion to AK, if they were Tri when the leader was given there week warning they can not vote. During the event this should happen, BAHC CAN revert the descions of the trial. Evidence will be prevented and a verdict decided. If you are found guilty, you will be punished severly. If the judge (BAHC) finds the trial has no grounds, the trial will be discarded. If a member feels the trial was unjust or the verdict was incorrect, the matter will be settled in an honor duel between the accused and the accuser.

20. If a host for a game tells you his rules that he wants you to follow (I.E. Battlezone- stock only, StarCraft- no rushing) you are to follow them and not brake them

21. PLEASE, Do not go around talking trash about how good you are

22. PLEASE, Do not go into a game and start making fun of them...This not only makes you look bad....but the rest of us as well

23. Please try and help people out if they ask...It helps keep up our reputation

24. Only High Commanders and Recruiting Officers have the right to recruit, other's may lead a possible recruit to a High Commander or Recruiting Officer

25. The Blood Angel Clan must always be run by two High Commanders

26. Blood Angels do not attack each other in games, unless both parties agree or it is a Free For All (FFA)

27. New rules may be added at any time as long as the High Commanders agree on them

28. The High Commanders may call for any action if the need should arise

29. If promotions and demotions are issued to a member they must be told this in the game and through e-mail and can only be assigned by a High Commander. If you feel a person deserves a promotion/demotion, refer them to a High Commander

30. Each Recruiting Officer can only have one Assistant Recruiting Officer

31. Under NO circumstances will a member of the Blood Angels give their password to ANYONE, not even High Command. High Command will have your password on file and will change passwords without prior notice for security purposes

Both of the original High Commanders must sign this document for it to be forever in use. In the event that this document is dissolved, by anyone but the original High Commanders, so shall the Clan be dissolved with it.

Donald ( BA.Zorro_HC )

Daniel ( BA.Blaze_HC )

Don't even think you can steal our Constitution cause you can't. The Zerg didn't know that!