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Blood Angel Ranks

HC = High Command
Gen = General
Col = Colonel
Maj = Major
RO = Recruiting Officer
ARO = Assistant Recruiting Officer
WH = War Hero
MSeg = Master Sergeant
Seg = Sergeant
Pri = Private
AK = Ass Kicker
Tri = Trainee

Perhaps you are wondering what these ranks mean, Well, here it is:

HC= Clan Leaders
Gen= 2nd in command
Col= 3rd in command
Maj= head of a certain game

RO= Recruits people
ARO= Helps the his/her RO recruit

The following are ranks for the infantry (meaning these are promotions from AK)

WH= You have to be very very very good to get this
MSeg= You have to be very very good to get this
Seg= You have to be very good to get this
Pri= You have to show improvment to get this