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Blood Angels History

On August 7, 1999 the Blood Angels were born. Once Blaze and Zorro belonged to the clan JeĞi under the command of ZaĞe, however, ZaĞe was an immature and irresponsible leader who couldn't run a clan. Later he submited the clan to FREE, basicly letting the absorb us, without asking his 2nd in command Blaze or any member of the JeĞi if this was a wise decision, Blaze, seeing that the JeĞi were falling apart and that their own leader abandoned them, spoke with Zorro and decided to create their own clan within which they would have equal say. ZaĞe was not pleased with this and attempted to round up his clan, but the Blood Angel Resistance took control of all the JeĞi Command Centers. With these conquered, the Blood Angels then sent messages to the JeĞi members, informing them of their Clan's demise between the Blood Angels rebellion and ZaĞe's actions. Most of the members left because of this. The others soon left because the Clan was battered and tattered and there was no hope of revival. Now, the JeĞi are a one man Clan...the only member is ZaĞe.

ZaDe's Command Ship thought it could escape the wrath of the Blood Angels!!!

The War for Independence

Many skirmishes between the Blood Angels and the JeĞi were fought in Battlezone, as there were three factions vieing for control. The Blood Angels, the JeĞi, and rebel JeĞi members that attacked the Blood Angels as well as their own clan. Neither ZaĞe nor the Blood Angels would accept defeat. Few major battles were fought, mainly because of the inactive members of JeĞi, and the Blood Angels having only 2 members. The turning point of the war was when Blood Angel forces assinated MasterJeĞi.Donpablo. With him out of the way, ZaĞe could not contact his commanders in the field, Donpablo kept the codes required to contact them for him. Then, In a series of stunning victories, Blood Angel forces captured ZaĞe's Command Center. With that gone, the JeĞi had little or no idea of who was still a member and who had gone rebel. One of the many spoils the Blood Angels garnered from ZaĞe's Command Center was the JeĞi's main gathering point. With this gone, they had no chance of rallying their forces. This was the turning point of the war and it was simply a matter of time before the remaining JeĞi broke.

The Blood Angel Flag was approved on December 11,1999 at 8:03 p.m. Eastern Time, it was made December 9,1999 by BA.Zorro_HC. This mighty flag strikes fear into our enemys, and brings justice and hope to our allies.