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Project Bike - Current Status

Stage One:

Waiting For Delivery

Estimated Delivery Date:

Monday 5/15/00


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Got Nuts? We sure do...

Quick Specs - Quick Pick

Pick a bike below to go straight to that bike's specs...

2000 125cc Motocrossers

Honda CR125     Kawasaki KX125    Yamaha YZ125    Suzuki RM125




This is where you'll find all sorts of Off-Roading News..  updated pretty much everyday.


5-17 -- The Fate of Maximum Off-Road

Does anyone out there even read this?  

Maximum Off-Road is not getting many visitors... so what's up with that?  There aren't enough good Off-Roading sites on the net, but when a good one like MOR comes along, nobody cares!  All good things must come to an end, and it appears that this is the end of Maximum Off-Road.

(Editors Note: C'mon guys... Mark Galyan, the sites owner, wrote that stuff above, this is the editor now, he's so displeased with how the site is going.  He's dedicated so much of his time to this site, and has had no feedback e-mails whatsoever.  If you want Maximum Off-Road to have any chance at all, please drop him a mail at . He'd really appreciate it.)


5-11 -- New Quick Specs - Quick Pick

We've added a cool new feature to the site...  It's the new Quick Specs Quick Pick.  Basically, all you have to do is click on the bike you want to look up, and you're there!  Right now, we've got manufacturer verified specification sheets on the four Main Manufacturers 125cc Motocrossers, with many more to come!  Try out the new Quick Pick system today!


5-10 -- Awaiting Arrival of Project Bike Parts

We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first shipment of parts in the tricking out of our CR125 Project bike.  They are Here's what we ordered:

Wiseco Pro-Lite Piston Kit

Wiseco Top-End Gasket Kit

FMF Powercore II Shorty Silencer

This should be a fun section for us to work on, and we'll keep you updated!


5-10 -- Supercross Winners

Jeremy McGrath clinches his 7th Supercross Season win (Big Whoop).  I could smoke McGrath on his own track...  Well, maybe not but still. 

RonRon (Stephane Roncada) won the AMA 125 East Supercross series.  Congratulations RonRon!


5-8  -- Keep the '98 or go All-New?

We've got a small dilemma here at Maximum Off-Road... you see, we've got our sweet '98 CR125 Project Bike that's pretty bad, but those new CR's are just so sweet looking.  What do we do???  Keep the '98 or get a new 2001... Let us know!

Click Here To Vote 


5-5  -- Quick Specs

We've added a new section called Quick Specs.  It's a compilation of specifications for all the new bikes on the market.  Well, we're getting there anyway... We've got the 125cc section up now, so go check it out!


5-4 -- Tell Your Friends About Maximum Off-Road

Hey all you Off-Roaders out there!  I want to ask you all a favor... since Maximum Off-Road brings you high-quality Off-Roading information, with tons of new stuff on the way, why don't you help us out and spread the word!  Tell everyone you know about Maximum Off-Road, heck, tell everyone period!!!  We want Maximum Off-Road to be a huge success, but we can't do it without your help.  Do you have your own high-traffic website?  Link to us on it and we'll do the same for you.  


4-27  -- MotoShopper.Com

We've got a new affiliate... an Online Motocross store called MotoShopper.  Please Visit them and see what they have to offer.  Get your Motocross stuff and help us out, all at once!  Click Here to go there now!


4-25  -- Moto-X 2000 Review Coming

So you liked the sound of Motocross Madness 2 huh?  Well we're going to review a competitor's attempt to best MCM2.  Will it happen?  We don't know yet, but soon we all will know which is the king...

Microsoft Motocross Madness 2 or Sierra/Deibus Moto-X 2000.

Stay tuned!




4-25  -- Stephane Roncada

I wanted to let all you Off-Roaders know that Pro 125/250 Supercross rider Stephane Roncada has his own really cool website.  He's also a pretty cool guy.  It's nice to see that a Pro will dedicate his own personal time to helping out the Off-Roading community.  Please visit his site at  I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Kudos to Stephane Roncada for the cool site.


4-24  -- Video Reviews

Want the low down on some of the latest Off-Roading Videos?  No problem!  We're starting a special Video section dedicated completely to Off-Roading Videos.  By the way...  where's all the DVD Off-Roading Videos?  C'mon Fleshwound and H-Bomb!  Everyone and their grandmas have DVD Players now, get on the ball!


4-20  -- Special Report: Inside Microsoft's Motocross Madness 2!

Microsoft's PC Game Motocross Madness was massively successful in the PC Gaming market, and now, the successor is almost here!  This game is so incredible, you're mouth will salivate over the screenshots...  check it out!




Contact Information

You can contact us here at Maximum Off-Road by clicking the e-mail link below.







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Copyright © 2000 Maximum Off-Road . All rights reserved.
Last modified: May 17, 2000