Digimon Tamers

Mysterious cards, three new kids, new and old digimon, and cool digivices that kinda resemble the origional ones . . . yup, we have another sequal. However, this one's more like Monster Rancher than Digimon. These kids watched the show and played the card game then accidently created their own digimon in the "real world" and are now trying to keep a secret agency called Hypnos from destroying them.

Takato and Guilmon - (English name - Takato Matsuki) Why do all the main guys have to look like Taichi? Well, Takato's got the basic looks and probaly the personality of the orrigional leader, though he looks a bit younger. Anyway, Guilmon is cool. He's one of the tuffest looking digimon yet that wasn't evil, and that's pretty impressive. What do you want to bet that his power is fire?
Guilmon - Graumon

Lee and Terriermon - (English name - Henry Wong) Don't ask me why Terriermon isn't with Willice anymore, I really don't know. But he's cute, sweet, surprisingly powerfull, and has a pretty good partner. Lee himself looks a little strange, but I like his hair.
Terriermon - Garugomon

Ruki and Renamon - (English name - Rika Nonaka) Ruki's probably going to be one of those tuff girls. Oh well, we needed one in this universe anyway. I'll say this; Renamon looks pretty dang cool! Whoever designed her gets extra browny points!
Renamon - Kyubimon


(English name - Calumon) I have no idea.


Well . . . he's evil.

Will there be more kids introduced in the later part of this series . . . *shrug* I don't know. More later.