Mizu's Digia-Cave

You're walking through a forest in the Digiworld, though your not exactly sure how you got there. Suddenly, you see something you really didn't expect to find there; a human girl! She's around adverage height with very long, brown hair striped with navy blue, and light blue eyes. Her hair is pulled back into a braid and tied with a bright blue ribbon. She's wearing a short, pleated, navy skirt and a light blue, button down shirt, and no shoes. Her shirt is slightly slipping off her left shoulder, revealing a navy blue baithing suit strap. She's lying face down on a large rock, swinging her legs and smiling at you. "Hi. I was wondering when you'd notice me," she said, smiling. "Who are you anyway?" "I'm Mizu." She jumps down to great you. "Mizu Izzutaki. I live here." "Where exactly is 'here'?" "The Cyber Island forest. I . . ." Befour she can finish what she's going to say, a huge Tyranomon comes crashing through the trees. "Oh no, not again! Run!!" She takes off running and you have no choice to fallow because she won't let go of your wrist.

She leads you into a large cave. "We'll be safe here." Sure enough, the entrance is too small for the Tyranomon to get through. "Come on, I've got something great to show you." She runs back into the cave. Curious, you fallow her. After only a little ways, the darkness of the cave is replaced by a large, beautifull valley with a huge lake right in the center of it. Mizu, now only in a dark blue baithing suit with a light blue strip across it, is standing at the edge of the lake, poised like a diver. She takes a deap breath, then spirals into the water with no cordination what so ever. When she resurfaces, she shakes the water from her hair and stares up at you. "Come on it, the water's great!" "Uh, no thanks." "Are you sure?" "Ya." "Okay then." You sit on the bank for a little while Mizu splashes around, playing with some fish. "Hey Mizu, do you have a digimon?" She stops splashing, and just stares at you for a moment. You realise that this is the fist time since you've met her that she hasn't been smiling. "No, I don't have a digimon." Her grin returns as fast as it left her. "But I hope to get one soon! I've applyed for one from Elekimon's Digimon Village, part of the Digimon: Digital Monsters sight." "Oh, I hope you get one." "Thanks. Tyranomon should be gone now, if you want to go finish your exploring." "Okay, thankyou." "Come back again really soon!"

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