Rants, Raves, and a little Insanity

This is the place where I post what I want to say about things. My commentary of sorts. Some of these are absolute nonsence, others really have a message, there all varied. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. Everyone is intitled to there own oppinion and I'm not trying to contradict anyone. I'd love to hear what you think, maby even put it up here. Please don't get angry at me or send any hate mails though, thanks.

The Rumor Mill
Rumor has it that there's going to be a season 3. Yup, another Digimon show, cool neh? And I have it on good athority that there's going to be a fourth movie! Megchan says it'll probably be called Diaboramon's Revenge. Odviously, this is about the return of the bad guy from the second movie, Boku no War Game (I think, if I got the translation wrong I'm sorry) Diaboramon. Just incase you don't know, he's a mega level digimon half digimon half computer virus who went searching for his creater (Willis) to destroy him. New rumors will be posted here when I hear them. ((-^)
Voice Actors
Has anyone noticed that the voices of the Digimon are a little . . . humanized? Well, I got the Japanese CD Digimon Best Hit Parade, and it includes a great and really funny song with each of the first seven digimon singing their own verses and then all of them in a nice little chorus done like a march song. I have to say, the Japanese voice actors were talented!! To be able to do that to your voice, ouch. Agumon sounded like he needed a throught drop, Gabumon seemed a little shy or timmid, Biyomon's voice was lower, Gomamon's was higher, Patamon's and Palamon's sounded pretty much the same, and Tentomon's was just scary! Also, did anyone know some of the guy's orrigional voices were done by girls? Trueth!
Lots of people think that being obsessed is a bad thing, but some people are living testement to the fact that it really isn't. Look at the Digimon: Digital Monsters web page owners. They love the show soo much, and are soo obsessed with it, that they have created the wonderfull pages we know and love. Now, I'm not saying that being obsessed with anything is all fun and glory, it's deffinetly not. People who are truly obsessed tend to get defensive of the object of there affection, be it a TV series or a boyfriend or girlfriend (uh, lets just not get into that part of obsession, okay?). I think this is really what inspired the Pokemon vs. Digimon dispute. Still, obsession does have it's good points.

Now, I'm not, nor will I ever be, a fan of Romance. Really, I'm not! On most occasions I'd rather punch someone than kiss them. This may seem a bit odd, but even someone like me can get bitten by the love bug. Yup, I've gone over the deep end. I've got a crush on a charactor from TV. Not an animated series mind you, but a series none the less. Now I can see what all those authors who wright love stories about Tai and Sora or Izzy and Mimi or whoever and whoever see. I don't, however, think I like it much. Romance can be a great wrighting tool when used in the right way. Still, I don't think I'll ever do much mushy stuff. In my warped little oppinion, the only way to really end a long, drawn out, lovey-dovey moment is for the girl to slap the guy (or something like that anyway). Like I said, I'not, nor will I ever be, a fan of romance. Being a Digimon web page owner
There aren't alot of people out there with web pages dedicated to Digimon: Digital Monsters. I'd like to think I do a good job here, but I know I'm not even close to being as good as people like Ilasu and Sefeiren. Running a page like this (or any big page for that matter) isn't as easy at is seems. It's actually very hard sometimes. Between trying to get new sections up, keeping up with the show, accepting new club members or adopties, and the occasional technical failure, I sometimes find it hard to believe that wonderfull pages like the Digimon Garden and Digimon, Digital Monsters even exsist! Congrats to all you page owners out there, you've got a hard job but somehow always manage to keep everything on track (well, moste of the time anyway).

Have any of you out there noticed that all the names of the places relate to computers? Think about it. File Island and Server, it really makes sence. I didn't catch on to it untill I heard about Server, and I'm not sure if anyone else realised befour that point. It's kinda cool though. I'm just wondering, what are they going to move on to next? Anyone got any ideas?

Many people have a big objection to T.K. that I can understand; he's too cute. I don't think that's such a bad thing, he kind of reminds me of a little puppy. Okay, I can't believe I said that. I'm normally not the kind of person who likes cute anime charactors, but T.K. just got to me somehow. Afterall, he's pretty brave for such a little kid.

My view on Joe Kido is contradictory to the views of many other Digimon fans, I really like him. He's my favorite charactor (Koshiro *Izzy* is second and Takeru *T.K.* is third). In my oppinion, he can be very brave. He just likes to procrastinate. Just thing about when he and Gomamon tryed climbed Infinity Mountain and had to face off agenst Unimon, he was very brave then. Sure he starts off as a wimp, but he overcomes that. It's gradual, but he does. If you haven't already guessed, I'm an ultimate Joe fan.
