The Digi-Fanatics

Hi, welcome to the homepage for the Digi-Fanatics club. It's the first and orrigional club for fans of the Digimon: Digital Monsters show. I'm the club's presedent, Gomamon. The members of this club recieve there own club name (the name of a digimon from the show *there choice*), a special banner to display on there page that shows they are an official member, the Digimon Times (the orrigional Digimon newsletter), special inside information, and other things I can't tell about here (shh, it's a secret). This is my own club pic, so you can see what they look like. Don't steal it guys, if you want one of your own *personalized with your own digimon pic on it* then join up.

Now, you may be saying; okay, I like this, how do I apply? Well, it's very simple and there's only two main rules;

1) You must have a page at least partially dedicated to Digimon: Digital Monsters (the show not the virtual pet).
2) Your sight can not contain any unappropreate material (like porno or obseen jokes, though why anyone whould want that kind of thing on the net at all is just beyond me).

Ready? Okay. This is how you apply. Just send the fallowing information to me at

Your name or persona name
Your e-mail address
Your page URL and name
Your desired club name

That's it. I'm pretty sure that everyone who signs up with the correct info (and who has read what's on this page) will get in.

The Members;

*Gomamon - Digimon Central
*Gabumon - Digimon, Digital Monsters
*Biyomon - The Digimon Garden
*Patamon - Into the Digiworld
*Palmon - Mimi and Palmon's Digimon Page
*Angemon - The Unofficial Digimon Domain
*Nekomon - Digital Destiny
*Skull Greymon - The DigiNET
*Weregarurumon - Digimon Paradise
*Ikkakumon - Into the Digimon Digiworld
*Garurumon - Digiworld
*Metal Greymon - The DigiMon Hide Out
*Kabuteremon - The Digiworld
*Meramon - Meramon's Layr
*Gatomon - Gatomon's World
*Agumon - Cool-Digi
*Tentomon - The Digidomain
*Megakabuteremon - Alex's Digimon 1 Sight
*Motimon - A Digimon Romance 2
*Zudomon - The Crest of Reliability
*Piximon - The Digital World
*Centarumon - DigimonRPG
