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Tarot Class Notes
Full Moon and High Tide


Do this ritual on the first night after the new moon. Draw a warm bath & pour a little of the money-drawing oil into the water. Take a bath, picturing all negativity being washed away & swept down the drain. Dry yourself & put on comfortable clothing.
Turn to face north & say:
"By all the power of solid land,
Bring abundance to my hand!"

Turn to face east & say:
"Winds of change, blow to me
The seeds of prosperity!"

Turn to face south & say:
"Powers of the South & of Fire,
Bring to me the money I desire!"

Turn to face west & say:
"By all the power of the raging sea,
Bring the needed money here to me!"

Raise your arms & say:
"As above, so below,
As the Universe, so the soul.
As without, so within,
Let my prosperity now begin!"

Annoint a green candle with money-drawing oil(available from Place the candle securely in a candleholder. Take 4 deep cleansing breaths. Light the candle. Holding a green stone (aventurine, olivine, peridot, emerald) in your power hand (Your right hand, if you are right-handed), gaze into the candle flame. Visualize a funnel forming above your head. Picture gold coins & money filling the funnel & raining down upon you. Dance & play in the rain of money. When you are ready, gaze into the candle flame & chant 4 times:
"Abundance & prosperity
Is on it's way now to me.
All the money I need
Without avarice or greed,
By all the power of land & sea,
As I will, so mote it be!"

Face north & say:
"Powers of the North & solid land, Thank you for bringing money to my hand."
Face east & say:
"Powers of the east & Air, the winds of change so fair, Thank you for blowing to me The seeds of prosperity!"
Face south & say:
"Powers of the South & of Fire, Thank you for giving me the abundance I desire!"
Face west & say:
"Powers of the West & the sea, Thank you for the prosperity!"

Annoint the stone, your wallet, your checkbook & your bank statement with the money-drawing oil. Keep the stone with you at all times, in your pocket or purse, knowing it will draw money to you. Let the candle burn down in a safe place, free of drafts. When the candle has burned completely down, bury any leftover wax, thanking Mother Earth for Her abundance, as you do so.
Blessed be!

For 7 days prior to the Full Moon, I intensly visualized what my spell was going to be, every step, candle, oil, coins.
I intensly visualized my goal. It was a constant thought in my head, for 7 days.
Materials used......
One green candle
magickal symbol engraved on candle and our $ engraved as well.
Money oil
and in the dish where the candle is placed I laid 7 silver dimes.
As I laid a coin at a time I chanted
"Money flow, money shine,
money flow, money's mine"

(I read this chant in a book, that I can't remember where, It was a while ago, but I liked it. It happened to go with my dimes. So I rehearsed it over and over as well in my head, it may have been a Strega's chant.)
I burned the candle for 7 minutes for seven days.
So, I knew that I wanted 7 three times, and I intened on this as well.
The results are in and I am very happy. Thank you for your support........I know now that the truth has always been in me and the power anyway I look at it.

SELF-ESTEEM by Prairie
Choose a night of the full or waxing moon. Draw a bath. Pour a little lavendar oil into the tub. Take a bath, picturing all negativity & weakness being washed away & swept down the drain. Dry yourself & put on something pretty.
Turn to face the East & say:
"From the east, I welcome air,
To clear my mind & teach me to dare"

Turn to face south & say:
"From the south, I welcome fire,
To build strength, this I desire"

Turn to face west & say:
"From the west, I welcome water,
To balance my emotions, colder & hotter"

Turn to face north & say:
"From the north, I welcoome earth,
To help me accept my rebirth"

Raise your hands & say:
"My Lord, My Lady, I welcome you , to witness all I say & do"
Annoint a red candle with the lavendar oil. Place it securely in a candleholder. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Light the candle. Holding a citrine stone in your power hand, gaze into the candle flame. Visualize yourself powerful & strong, accepting all the best things in life.
Chant 3 times:
"This is my story, this is my song
I am powerful, I am strong
I have the strength within my breast
To accept all good. I deserve the best!"

Raise your arms & say:
"My Lord, My Lady, I thank You For blessing me in all I do. All good comes to me,
And as I will, so mote it be!"

Face east & say:
"Powers of the east & of air,
Thank you for teaching me to dare!"

Face south & say: "Powers of the south & of fire,
Thank you for the strength I desire!"
Face west & say:
"Powers of the west & the sea,
Thank you for bringing the best to me!"

Face north & say:
" Powers of the north & of earth,
Thank you for my rebirth!"

Let the candle burn down in a safe place. Keep the citrine with you at all times in your pocket or purse. Every time you see it or touch it, remind yourself you are strong & you deserve the best.