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Final Thoughts

So now back to that age old question: Nature or Nurture.
I'm sure that nature has a lot to do with who and what each of us are,
but in my case I have to be believe I am who I am because of the people
around me. I hope I am like my mother and father, but they were not around
to raise me and take me under their wing.
Others took on the role of mother, father, friends, and siblings.
No one has ever tried to replace my mother, father, or sisters but instead
do the best for Chris and I.
I thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart.

The following are just a few of those that I owe a big thanks to.
Some are new friends, some are old but I love everyone of you equally...


First, my sister, Chris. She is all I have left from my immediate family
and although we are as different as night and day in some ways, I love her.
I know she will always be there for me, as I will be for her.

I also want to send my thanks and love to my Aunt Robin and Uncle Chuck.
They took Chris and I in as their own children and raised us the best way
they knew how...with love.
Robin and Chuck not only took us in and showed us love, but they gave us
a stable family we hadn't known before.
Like in any family there were difference and hard times, but if I had to choose
anyone other than my mother, Crystal, and father, Frank, to be my parents,
it would be you two.
Thanks, Mom and Dad.

Missy...did you think I'd forget my little sister?! Never!
Missy is the daughter of my Aunt Robin and Uncle Chuck, but in my heart
she will always be my little sister.
Love ya, Mel!

Finally, my grandma. She has lived through so much and still had the strength
to go on.
You took Chris and I in when you should have been enjoying your
retirement and I know we didn't always see eye to eye on a lot of things,
but you are still my grandmother and I love you.


There are too many of you to list and I know that I will forget many of you,
but if you aren't on this list you are still in my heart and I love you.
Jamie, Kristal, Annette, Rhette, Rhonda, and Kerri you all have been great
friends throughout the years and I love you all.
Although we are growing older and futher apart in mile,

I know our friendship will always be there. Thanks for all the wild and crazy times...
I miss them, but I guess we have to grow up sometime :)


Lisa you have always been there to listen to me ramble and were the lucky
recipient of my emails...AKA Chapters:)
Still not sure about becoming your sister-in-law, but you never know!
Thanks for always being there for me, Lisa.

Judy and Randi all I can say is that both of you deserve more praise then
I can express here....ummmm...there's an idea...a webpage dedicated to Judy and Randi!
Seriously though, you both are true angels. Thank you for everything
you've done and continue to do for those who need a place of
understanding and love.

Members and Hosts of GROWW, there are too many of you to list
(of course with all the Pattis, Kathy-Cathys, and Barbs it makes it easier),
but I love each one of you.
Although we may never meet, the words of understand and love are felt and I will
never forget them.

Stacey, well sis I hope you got to this page! You better have or else...
I just wanted to say that you are a wonderful individual and I am blessed to
have gotten to know you so well.
Not sure if that's always good or not, but you live and learn, eh?! LOL
Thanks for everything you've done for me. From the wake-up calls to
just listening to me.
Although we are not 'real' sisters, I am honored to be able to call you sis.
Love ya sis.

One more group and this one is to bring a smile to the face of those who
belong to it. I am not going to name names, but you know who you are!
The Wild little devils get me laughing so hard sometimes my sides hurt.
Laughter is the best medicine though, isn't it?
Whether it is or not, I appreciate all the LOL, ROFL, LMAO, and PMP's.
Special insert for our President...BINGO!!!

I guess after all of this I have answered my own question of, "Who Am I?"
I want to know more about my sisters, mother and father but I know that
I am my own person...

I am Becky, 26, who lost her mother, father, and two sisters...but have a huge
family who loves and cares for me...


The Boys say THANK YOU, TOO--MONTANA AND OZZIE(white chest)...


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