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The BoyNamedSue story...

Part one...
Well kids, this thing started a few months back. Not too long before Walker officially
called it quits, Dave, Matt, and I were talking about doing a side project to kill some time
while kenny played with his other band(M.T. Rhodes) since the three of us were constantly
practicing without our mysteriously vanishing singer type guy. We were busy trying to
write the material for the second Walker album and thought it didn't make alot of sense
to write all this stuff without kenny being around to get in on the action.
We kinda had a feeling that the end of Walker was drawing nearer and started to talk
about doing this side project so we'd already have something going on if and when Walker
finally split up.
So, since it had been a long time since I got stuck playing bass when Greg left the band
and Dave couldn't do it thanks to this crazy steel rod bolted into his left arm(which is
why we refer to him as the 2,600 dollar man!), we decided to start looking for someone
to take over bass duties so i could finally switch back to guitar again. After talking to a
few of our close friends who could actually play, and tryin' a couple out, we opted
to enlist the services of one Bryan Bush, formerly of Sostenuto, manager of Einstein
Bagels, and operator of the beloved Door#3.
And then of course when everything seemed ready to get underway, Matt
decided to call it quits as well. He basically came to the realization that he started
playing drums when he was 13 or 14 to be in a band and has been playing with bands
ever since without a break. This may not seem like a bad thing to most people, but
he's also a music major at Indiana University with the goal of becoming a profesional
studio musician afterwards and he's been playing in hardcore and punk bands all
this time and felt like he was stuck in a rut. He just wanted to take some time off
from being in bands altogether to practice on his own. He offered to keep playing
if we couldn't find anyone else but we didn't want him to play if he wasn't into it so
it was cool.
Luckily, we know this sassy little guy named Ben Bailey who plays with the Smegmites, so
we asked him to fill the position and he's doing a damn fine job of it too.
Anyway, as soon as the lineup was solid, we started practicing like mad to write
songs and get used to playing together and all such nonesense. Things are going well,
and we should start releasing stuff like crazy soon enough.

Part two...
fall '98-early'99-the first record