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MSILS - Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom

PhD - Bhundelkhand University, India

MLIS - Annamalai University, India

BS - Sree Narayana College, Kollam, India





  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and MURHTY, TAV. Doctoral Theses Collection in Indian Universities: Problems and Solutions.   Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing (VDM Group), 2010. ISBN 978-3-8383-3509-4


  1. MURTHY, TAV; SALGAR, SM; MAKHDHUMI, Gayas; PICHAPPAN, P, PATEL, Yatrik and VIJAYAKUMAR, JK [ed.]: Road Map to New Generation of Libraries   (Proceedings of International CALIBER-2004) held at New Delhi during February 11-13, 2004). Ahemedabad: INFLIBNET, 2004. ISBN: 81-900825-8-2.




1.    VIJAYAKUMAR, JK: A study on the usage of Web2.0 applications by basic medical science students, in the Light of e‐learning implementation, MSc dissertation, Department of Information Management, The Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 2010. [Un‐published]


2.    VIJAYAKUMAR, JK: Importance of Ph D Theses in furthering research: a model digital library for Indian Universities, Ph D Thesis, Dr. Ranganathan Institute of LIS, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India, April 2005. [Un-published]


3.    VIJAYAKUMAR, JK: Automation and IT Applications of Annamalai University Library: a Case Study, MLIS Dissertation, Department of LIS, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India, April 1996. [Un-published]




  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju and VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Assessing Library Services with ACRL/ALA Standards for Libraries in Higher Education: A Model. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 45 (4), December 2008.  ISSN 0972-2467 [Publisher: Sarada Ranganathan Endowment, Bangalore:]


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju. Importance of Doctoral Theses and its Access: a Literature Analysis. The Grey journal, 3(2), Summer 2007. ISSN 1574-1796. [Publisher: Grey Network, Amsterdam]


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Electronic Theses and Dissertations and Academia: a preliminary study from India, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 33(3), May 2007: Pp 417-421. ISSN 0099-1333 [Publisher: Elsevier]


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Experimenting a model digital library of ETDs using D-Space for Indian Universities. Library Philosophy and Practice, 9 (1), Fall 2006. ISSN 1522-0222. [Publisher: University of Nebraska--Lincoln Libraries] – (This article is republished with permission from LPP as a Book Chapter –see below).


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; HOSAMANI, HG and MURTHY, TAV. Regulation of Doctoral research in Universities: Importance of INFLIBNET Online Doctoral Theses Database, University News, 43(13), March 28-April 3 2005: Pp 16-18. ISSN 0566-2257.  [Publisher: Association of Indian Universities]


  1. CHOLIN, VS; VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and MURTHY, TAV. Resource sharing in the Digital Environment in India: Role of INFLIBNET, Library Hi-Tech News, 20(3), 2003, Pp 10-13. ISSN 0741-9058.  [Publisher: Emerald]


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju. Knowledge, connections and communities: a special reference to Indian university libraries. The International Information & Library Review, 35 (2-4), June-December 2003, Pp 375-382. ISSN 1057-2317 [Publisher: Elsevier]


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and DAS, Manju. CD-ROM to DVD-ROM: a new era in electronic publishing of Databases and Multimedia Reference Sources. IASLIC Bulletin, 45(2), 2000, 49 – 54. ISSN 0018-8441.  [Publisher:  Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centers]





1.    VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Experimenting a model digital library of ETDs using D-Space for Indian Universities. In Smitha Ramachandran and Gayatri Doctor: ed. Digital Institutional Repositories: Case Studies. Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press, 2008. ISBN  81-314-1293-2 (This chapter is republished with permission from LPP).


2.    VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju. Right to Information and Freedom of Expression. In B. Ramesh Babu and S. Gopalakrishnan: ed. Information, Communication, Library and Community Development. Festschrift Volume for Prof. C P Vashist. New Delhi: B R Publishing, 2004. ISBN 81-7646-404-x


3.    VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju and VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Realizing the Digital libraries: assumptions and challenges underlying it. In Surendra Singh and Sonal Singh; ed. Library, Information Science and Society. Essays in the memory of late Dr A Tejomurthy. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2002: 365-373. ISBN: 81-7000-306-7




  1. SRIKANTESWARA, V and  VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Creating Value added Multimedia E-content for Anatomy Education. In 56th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, Varanasi, India during December 27-29, 2008.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Use of Web 2.0 applications in Medical Education and E-Learning. In Karisiddappa, CR and Kumbar, BD ed. Changing Face of LIS Education: Learning Styles and Teaching Methodologies: Proceedings of 25th IATLIS National Conference, Chandigarh, 27-29 November 200: Dharwad,IATLIS. 2008. Pp.229-237.


  1. SREEKUMAR, MG and VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Kerala Libraries Network (KELNET): a Proposal. In  National Seminar on Redefining the Role of Public Libraries in India : The Knowledge Society Imperatives: Thiruvananthapuram, India during 6 – 8 August 2008. 


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Introducing Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Universities: An Indian Perspective. In Open Access to Grey Resources; Amsterdam: Text Release, January 2006, Pp 114-8. ISBN 90-77484-06-X (Proceedings of GL7: Nancy, France during 5-6 December, 2005).


  1. PATEL, Yatrik; VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and MURTHY, TAV. Institutional Digital Repositories / E-Archives: INFLIBNET’s Initiative In India, In M G Sreekumar [et al.]; ed. Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management: Proceedings of the 7th MANLIBNET National Convention, Calicut, India, May 5-7, 2005: New Delhi, Ess Ess, 2006. Pp. 312-318. ISBN:81-7000-442-X .


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Indian academia on copyright and IPR issues of Electronic Theses and Dissertations. In Murthy, TAV and others, ed. Conference papers of International CALIBER-2005, Kochi, 2-4, February 2005. Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre, 2005, Pp 697-704.


  1. CHOLIN, VS; VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and MURTHY, TAV. UGC-INFLIBNET initiatives in e-journal consortia and digital library of doctoral theses for Indian universities. In proceedings of National Conference on Digital Library and e-Theses (NCDLET 2005) held on January 7-8, 2005 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju and VIJAYAKUMAR, J K. Digital Reference Service: Libraries Online 24/7. In Sasikala, C and others (ed) Proceedings 23rd Annual Convention and Conference of SIS (SIS-2005), Visakhapatanam, 27-29 January 2005. Pp 212-218.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Electronic Theses and Dissertations for Indian Universities: A Framework. In Murthy, TAV and others, ed. Conference papers of 2nd PLANNER-2004, Imphal, India, 4-5 December, 2004: Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre, 2005, Pp 65-70.


  1. MANOJKUMAR, K; VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and MURTHY, TAV. Planning of Face-to-Face Education with e-Learning : UGC’s Efforts in e-Content Creation: Infrastructure. In Vice Chancellors’ meet organized by University Grants Commission, Goa, India, 24-26 September, 2004.


11.  VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; MURTHY, TAV and KHAN, MTM. Accessing Indian University Research Literature: importance of ETDs in the verge of UGC-Infonet. In Chandra, Harish; Pichappan, P and Kundra, Ramesh; ed. Conference Papers of the 22nd Annual Convention and Conference of SIS (SIS-2004), Chennai, India. 22-23 January 2004: 53-57.


12.  VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju. Transforming Indian University Libraries for IT era. Conference Papers of National Seminar on Change Management in Libraries (LIST-2003), Trichy. February 21-22, 2003.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK; HOSAMANI, HG and MURTHY, TAV. Bibliographic control of Indian Ph.D Theses: INFLIBNET’s contribution. Conference Papers of 5th MANLIBNET Convention, Jamshedpur. March 6-8, 2003, 96-104.


  1. PATEL, Yatrik, VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and RAMESH, B. Ontological Metadata Approach for Accessing Distributed Web content: A Proposed Model for Bibliographic Databases. In Homayoun, Behrous and other; ed. Workshop Proceedings of First Euro-Asian Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology (EURASIA ICT 2002), Shiraz, Iran. October 29-31, 2002: Pp 487-491.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and MURTHY, TAV. Need of a Digital Library for Indian Theses and Dissertations: a model on par with the ETD initiatives at International Level. In Urs, Shalini R, Rajashekhar, TB and Raghavan, KS; ed. Digital Libraries. Conference Papers of the 4th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL-2001), Bangalore, India. 10-12 December 2001: 384-390.


  1. KUSHWAH, Shivpal Sing and VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Content creation and E-learning in Indian Languages: a model. In the proceedings of National Seminar on E-Learning & E-Learning Technologies (ELELTECH INDIA-2001), Hyderabad, India. 7-8 August 2001. Hyderabad: C-DAC, 2001: 51-54. 


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and SREEKUMAR, MG. Consortia Approach among the Higher Education and Research Libraries in India: a Dire Need of the Hour. In M Bavakutty, M C K Veeran and T K Muhammed Salih; ed. Proceedings of National Seminar on Library Co-operation in a Networked World, University of Calicut, Kozhikode, India. 25-26 May 2001. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 2002: 58-74.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju. E-journals in a networked environment: its impact on academic libraries in the digital millennium. In M Bavakutty, M C K Veeran and T K Muhammed Salih; ed. Proceedings of National Seminar on Library Co-operation in a Networked World, University of Calicut, Kozhikode, India. 25-26 May 2001. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 2002: 75-82.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and JEEVAN, VKJ. Digital Library Development: Major Issues of Externally Published Contents. In Naidu, MKR and others; ed. Creation and Maintenance of Digital Resources. Papers of the 8th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutes (CALIBER-2001), Pune, India. 15-16 Mar. 2001. Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre, 2001: 174-184.


  1. JEEVAN, VKJ and VIJAYAKUMAR, JK. Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Developing Library Management Software/Systems. In Dhawan, SM and others; ed. Quest for Quality: strategies and applications in Library and Information Services. ILA Seminar papers of the 46th All India Library Conference, Ahmedabad, India. 3-6 Jan. 2001. New Delhi: Indian Library Association, 2001: 386-404.


  1. VIJAYAKUMAR, JK and VIJAYAKUMAR, Manju. Information freedom in a Democratic World and the role of Librarians in cyber era. Proceedings of National Seminar on Information Policies and Cyber Laws, Bangalore, India. 4-6 December 2000. Bangalore: SRELS, 2000: B1-B6.




1.    Transformation in Libraries and Librarianship in Germany: a report based on professional visit, Goethe Institute Mexico & BII Website. 2006 November. [Publisher: Goethe Institute]


2.    Amrita Colloquium on Digital Libraries (ACDL-2005): A Report. D-Lib Magazine,11(3), March 2005. ISSN 1082-9873. [Publisher: CNRI]


  1. International CALIBER-2004 Report. Library Hi-Tech News, 21(3), 2004, Pp 3-5. ISSN 0741-9058. [Publisher: Emerald]


  1. Interview: R Ramachandran, the Secretary General of IFLA.  INFLIBNET Newsletter, 9(4)-10(1), 2004. ISSN 0971-9849. [Publisher: INFLIBNET]


  1. IT@AGRILIBNET-2003: Report.  Library Hi-Tech News, 20(10), 2003, Pp 8-9. ISSN 0741-9058, [Publisher: Emerald]


  1. IRTPLA: a new step in INFLIBNET’s HRD activities at Regional level. INFLIBNET Newsletter, 10(4), 2004. ISSN 0971-9849. [Publisher: INFLIBNET]



Newspaper and Magazine articles


  1. Google Scholar for Academic Search, Mathrubhumi Daily Online (in Malayalam language), October 21, 2005


  1. Google and Academic – Research Libraries, Tharjnai Online Magazine, 2(2), February 2006. (in Malayalam language, Need Rachana Font to read)


  1. Kosmix: a new Indian based Search Engine against Google, Tharjnai Online Magazine, 2(3), March 2006. (in Malayalam language, Need Rachana Font to read)


Literary Publications


1.    Nidhi (a poem in Malayalam Language). Saudi Times, March 2010.


2.    Cheman (a poem in Malayalam Language). Puzha Internet Magazine, January 2009. Listen to it here !


3.    Jayanthante Penmakkal (a poem in Malayalam Language). Tharjani Online Magazine, 4(8), August 2008.


4.    Vitho Vilayo? (a poem in Malayalam Language). Tharjani Online Magazine, 2(7), July 2006.


5.    Punasamagamam (a poem in Malayalam Language). Tharjani Online Magazine, 2(5), May 2006.


6.    Chila Neekku Pokkukal (A short story in Malayalam language). Puzha Internet Magazine, February 2006.



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Updated on 11 October 2011


jkvijayakumar <@> gmail <.> com