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We all have a love - hate relationship with our computers. I have devoted the following web pages to make "existing with the beast" somewhat more pleasurable. These suggestions will be nothing new to the experienced user, but I find that people who have been around computers for some time are  amazed when they see someone use a "hot key".  I also find that some users that have used a computer for years do not know how to cut (or copy) and paste text. Over the years I have saved many of these helpful hints in a file on my computer titled "Computer Stuff".  I will attempt to share the contents of that file with you through these web pages. Check back occasionally as I will be adding to the material already here.  If you want to print out any of these pages, select the "Printer Friendly Version" at the bottom of each page. Thanks for visiting!


Page 1 - Copying, Pasting & Forwarding Email

(moving "stuff" around & cutting through the layers)


Page 2 - Shortcut Keys

(how to amaze your friends)


Page 3 - Searching Techniques

(narrowing down those 2,000,000 hits)


Page 4 - Creating a File Folder  

(the start of something great)


Page 5 - Saving Your "Stuff"

(the transition from "stuff" to data)


Page 6 - Security

(Viruses, Worms, Trojans & Cookies)


Page 7 - Taming the Beast

(Making Your PC Jump through the Hoops)