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River of Life Free Methodist Church

       Greetings, and Welcome to The River Of Life Free Methodist Church Web Page!!! We are the Tucker Family, and we have just arrived in Southeastern Indiana to begin work on the forming of a new church congregation. At the present, we are meeting each Sunday evening (thru Oct. 24th) in the Chapel of The Restoration Christian Church at 11515 Hwy. 31, Sellersburg. Our meeting time is 6:00 p.m.
       We presently have about 25 participants, half of which are small children. We believe the Lord has called us to build a church through which people may grow in Grace as they seek to serve the Lord into the new millenium. We preach Biblical truths which begin with the step of salvation. After one has accepted Christ as their Savior, we work to disciple them in their relationship with the Lord so that they might faithfully serve as a witness to the power of God.
       Our Worship Celebrations consist of singing, prayer and teaching from the Scriptures. We are informal in service format. We are also informal in dress. Our purpose is to Praise the Lord, to seek His will, and to conform our lives to His will. If you are looking for a church, please give me a call at 812-948-6208 or contact me via e-mail at: We welcome the opportunity to share the love of Christ with you, your family, and friends!

Grace & Peace,
Pastors Dan & Mimi Tucker

Please come back and visit again!

    Upcoming Events: October 31 Fellowship Night. Call For Details (948-6208)

    New Worship Location: Beginning in November, at the REMC Building on Rt. 60 in Sellersburg. 6:00 p.m.


Our denominational affiliation.

Our Values

Style of Worship

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