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A message from a doctor of stupology:

Dr. Ange. L. Baby

Have you ever noticed the total lack of stupidity in the world today? This proves the theory of natural selection.....all the dumb people have died off! Which leaves us incredibly intelligent beings to rule this horribly restricting planet (no offense to the maker!)

I mean, people are just getting too smart! (and I am not looking to give you any compliments whatsoever!). People are soooooo smart, that simple tasks go forgotton, like putting their underwear inside their trousers and that the food goes in through your mouth (that hole beneath the ugly protrusion on your face). This was a problem Einstein had! Have you noticed how many people have different colour socks? I think that may just be a male thing though People today, are soooo stupid......oops......hehehe OH I feel like an idiot now......

geez! I just disproved my theory......I'm sooooooooo DUMB! grrrrr.....some doctor I turned out to be......what a joke!


please tune in next week for another episode of mind-numbing stupidness from Dr. Ange.L.Baby. A little service brought to you by the doctor......a graduate of the make you feel better that you have the intellect of someone twice my age! (although you probably do! are you 34? LOL)

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