An odd thought strikes me, we shall receive no letters in the grave

Madgrad: Wow, we've got more new letters. Strap one on, its time to jam!

SMUG: Tee-Hee.

Silent BMS:...

Silent Mark:....

Hasno: Erk...

RtR: Ummmm...

Madgrad: Uh, SMUG, when I said to "strap one on", thats not quite what I meant....

BMS: Hey, where did you get that from anyway?

SMUG: Hehheh, its Zelda's. She let me borrow it.

RtR: Oh god....

I have a girlfriend and youuuu don't! Real looker too. Guess the dying and coming back to life thing really goes with the ladies, if you catch my drift...

Gamer X

BMS: So... *sob* and women are evile. Nah nah nah nah nah, hah!

Madgrad: And does he thank us for bringing nim back to life? Noooooooo. Oh, and I may have a girlfriend soon too, so there! And this one's not inflatable!

Hasno: Too much info Madgrad, way too much info.

RtR: Actually X, I dont catch no drifts. You must've gotten ahold of one of Pikachu's 'Leah Clone' prototypes, they're passive and submissive as hell:)

Geez...what kind of fool would dislike the Dragon Quest games? Hardcore old-school RPGing goodness is what they are. Don't knock 'em just because you don't have the patience to play 'em! But wait: wasn't this the same site that gave bizarrely negative ratings to Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre? Suddenly, I get the impression that rational discussion is out of the question...Fey Victus!

Captain Moogle

Madgrad: Sorry Capn, but you've got it backwards. Ragnarok was the dumb ass who didn't like FFT. I loved it and would give it about an 8.5-9 out of 10. But I hated TO, while some of the other editors liked it. SO we really do love strategy games on this site, but some of us just disagree. At the ,moment, I myself am addicted to Vandal Hearts. I wonder what strategy games the other editors play. Well guys, what do you play?

BMS: I don't really play with myself err.. I mean play strategy games.

RtR: FINALLY! Some sanity in an otherwise insane world! Thanks for declaring your allegience to the DQ/DW series Captain M. But I make NO apologies for my FF Tactics review. It was my honest opinion. Like how Madgrad loved it, but hated TO. Actually, I LOVED Tactics Ogre, sure the graphics sucked, it was a straight port from an SNES game. But it was infinitely more playable than its pseudo spinoff/sequel/horribly deformed child, FFT.

Fools! Didn't the infernal one say that Metal Gear wasn't exactly a multi-genre game? He merely stated that the gameplay was varied. You don't fight Ninja the same way you fight Raven, for example. I, too, saw that article in EGM about Solid Snake being "all that." Well listen up here, girlies, we'd call a guy like that in real life a sociopathic murderer. Is that what you females are going for nowadays? Hey, I just strangled my roommate while speaking like Clint Eastwood, look at me! That brings me to another thing...why is it that "grrrls" are more offended by the sight of a dead animal than a dead human being? And why do they only want to save all the cute, furry animals, and not the sharks and pit vipers? Oh, and this "no animal testing" thing is a crock of poo, too. We might still be dying of diseases that we laugh at today were it not for a couple of dead monkeys. If you ask me, the little feces-flingers deserve it after that little AIDS stunt they pulled. What else are they good for? Typing "apple," "kitty," and "poop" in chatrooms? Hell, I can do that, why aren't I in the headlines?

And just to bring it back to videogames, your Apocalypse review was pretty cool! I'm glad I'm not the only one who had trouble believing Bruce Willis as a scientist. I know lots of scientists, and not a single one of them wears their hair like that!

Infernal Spawn of Hell

Madgrad: *sniff sniff* Do I smell biterness? I DO! I DO! Why are did you say: "Well listen up here, girlies, "? None of us here are chicks[ I think...], and I know that no women read this site. To answer your question as to why women want to save fuzzy animals, well, its because they are cute. And women are suckers for cute sh*t like that. But wait, why do they wear fur then? I dunno, its not like ANY male understands women. Hell, I wouldn't want to save sharks or vipers either. I'd be the first one in the jungle with a Zippo and a can of Sterno starting an endangered species BBQ. What else are monkies good for? Well, give a million monkies a million typewriters and an infinite amount of time, and they should be able to write Nobel prize winning literature. Right Cujo?

Cujo: Ack! Nyah! Woagaoahgahahah!

Madgrad: Yes Cujo, you are a very talented writer. Your sonnet on human islolation brought tears to my eyes. Oh and thanks Chris for the compliment on my review. Its good to know that SOMEONE reads them*sniff* Bitterness*sniff*

BMS: Hip hip hooray! Someone read a review. Women are really, really evile. It's even more scary because they don't go around going "Gwah hah hah!!!" to signify their evileness.

RtR: Or maybe were too busy playing games to notice? Anyhoo, back to Xenogears...

[In best MacLaughlin voice] Issue number 14, 2d versus 3d? Should series that started out in 2d like Castlevania and Mega Man or Strider be keep in 2d to preserve the spirit of the game, or should they boldly make the transition to 3d? Also , what 2d games would you like to see have 3d translations?[and for god's sakes dont say Gunstar Heroes]. Answer me Pat Buchanan!

Pat Buchanan: Well, I think that the core series should be true to its roots because...

MacLaughlin: WRONG! Jack Germond!

Jack Germond: Go F&$^$ yourself you pompous windbag.

MacLaughlin: WRONG!

[Editors note: We apologize for the previous skit, as we realize that none of our readers will get it. So please just answer the question, and don't rag on us about it.]

