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Welcome to my Jet moto 1 and 2 page!

On this page, you will find all the things you need for jet moto 1. At the bottom of the page you will find a link to jet moto 2. Thank you, and be sure to come back again!

The tracks

This is joyride. It is the most easiest of all the tracks. This track is a good one to learn how to control your guy and get to know the game a little better.

This is Black Waterfalls. It is a little more challenging, but still is a beginers course. It is mostly an all-terrain course with a couple of hard turns that have hidden grapples right around the corner.

This track is suicide swamp. If suicide turns are easy for you, then this track is one of the easiest of them all. When you get to the end, just hold the grapple button and the d-pad in the right direction, and you will make it out fine.

This is a very challenging course. With hard turns in one section, and trees and stumps sticking up on the rest, you will need to practice on this course a couple of times before you try and race. Just keep in mind, there is a strait away to settle you down.

Don't look at hammerhead as just another suicide course. With highways broken up and people flying and falling everywhere, you'll be lucky to make it out on this track in first place! If you know what way you are going you should be able to pull something off to get you in first.

This is Cliff Driver. This offroad, rugged terrain keeps you at the edge of your seat. Just don't get to cocky or you might find yourself on the ground!

This is ice crusher. It is a very challenging course! If you can't stear your jet with the best of accuracy, then don't even try it. On this course you can fall easily, crach into a wall easily, and you will find absolutly nowhere to use a turbo.

Snowblind in my opinion, is one of the best tracks in the game. It is a great course to do tricks, see how fast you can go, but not without the challenge of jet moto and the other 20 racers behind you!

Will Power is no treat. Even thought this is a game of speed, this is not the case on this track. Leaders often find themselves going to fast, and with a face in the snow.

Nightmare, the name speaks for itself! Anyone who can make a whole lap without falling off, is one of the bast jet moto racers there is! This course has jumps, ramps, platforms... everything you can think of that will make you fall!

Screen Shots


0=circle, X=X []=square, /\=Triangle

I know that it took a while for me to get to this, but here they are! (I'm sorry that there are not any gameshark codes. I haven't found any yet, but if you have any, please e-mail them to There is a link on my homepage.)

To enter any of the codes below, you have to enter the "codes enabled" trick. To do this, go to the options and set the difficulty to professional, and laps per race to 6, Press start after you're done then press circle, circle, circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, square, triangle. If it worked, you will hear a cha-ching and a balloon that says "codes enabled." Now you can enter any of these codes on the title screen:

2 player vs. comp: 0 [] R2 O /\ L2 RIGHT UP.

Unlimited turbos: /\ 0 right R2 UP [] UP /\.

Double stunt points: RIGHT UP 0 L2 /\ 0 R1 R2

rocket Racer: /\ UP UP L2 L2 UP UP UP

No resistance: [] L1 /\ RIGHT L1 DOWN R2 /\



(These codes do not need the codes enabled to work.)

View all endings: Go to Options, set difficulty to Amiture, turn off turbos and grapples, hold L2 and select credits.

Open all Levels: Go to option, put on amiture and male, press start. Push Up, Right, Down, left, up, right, down, left, left. Go to option, change to professional and Rider's choice, hit start. Push Up, Left, Down, right, Up, Left, Down, right. You will hear a cha-ching. Continue as usual.

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