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Pictures of me and my family

Before we get started, I want to apologize for the poor resolution on these pictures. I decided to sacrifice time over quality, knowing how everybody is very busy these days. :-P If you'd honestly like a copy of a better image, do email me and I will get back with you as soon as I can. :-)

This is a picture of me in the second grade. It was taken in 1987.
This is a picture of me holding my official graduate certificate - taken directly after my graduation.
These are a few pictures of me at my graduation party - these pictures were taken in the dining room of our new house (which is more or less part of the entire Great Room area)
Poor chad. :-( This is my brother chad - this picture was taken when he was about 4 I think.. he is a hemopheliac.. he had fallen from a porch 4 to 5 foot downward and had landed on his head. He later had to have surgery to remove some of the pressure on his brain that night.
Me, my dad and my uncle playing a game of risk.
This is a picture of our old homestead. Taken somewhere around the middle 80's. I lived in this house until I was 16, and then we built a new house about a quarter mile down the road.
Me and my dad going down on an awesome sled ride!
This is a very nice shot of half of my family on our tractor we have at home. From left to right, the order goes: my uncle Ted, my Grandma, my dad, 3 little cousins of mine, my uncle Kevin, and his daughter.
Another pic of our family on the Tractor. :-)
This was a cool shot of my dad working with the tractor; we had been doing a lot of clearing and landwork that day.
Different pose - same as above. :-)
This is only one shot of my room. It was taken during Thanksgiving, which explains why my two cousins were in the foreground (they made a good mess of my room). I had some more pics of my room taken - seperately - but they have not been developed yet. You can tell that I love Dolphins!

These are all of the pictures that I have collected and converted for the moment.. I may add more different ones later on. :-)
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