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Some pictures of Dolphins I've collected

Before we get started, I want to apologize for the poor resolution on these pictures. I decided to sacrifice time over quality, knowing how everybody is very busy these days. :-P If you'd honestly like a copy of a better image, do email me and I will get back with you as soon as I can. :-)

Dolphins are my heart... I love them so much... I would have more here, but my hard drive crashed not too long ago. :-( So I lost 60% of my collection; hopefully, however, I will be slowly gathering them back, and as I do, I will try to re-upload them to the photo album. :-)

Dolphin 1...
Dolphin 2...
Dolphin 3...
Dolphin 4...
Dolphin 5...
Dolphin 6...
Dolphin 7...
Dolphin 8...
Dolphin 9...
Dolphin 10...
Dolphin 10...
Dolphin 11...
Dolphin 12...
Dolphin 13...
Dolphin 14...
Dolphin 15...
Dolphin 16...
Dolphin 17...
Dolphin 18...
Dolphin 19...
Dolphin 20...
Dolphin 21...
Dolphin 22...
Dolphin 23...
Dolphin 24...
Dolphin 25...
Dolphin 26...
Dolphin 27...
Dolphin 28...
Dolphin 29...Dolphin's underbellies can become very pink when they get aroused.. :-)
