How I Occupy My Time

To set off the hate page, I decided to make a page of things I like. I love music with a passion that is boundles and endless, and literature even more. As a child, I had major issues with interaction with other people. I hid in music. From the time I could reach the power button on a radio, I looked to music to wrap me in its chords and keep me safe from the terrors of the human race. I've progressed quite nicely over the years, but I still feel safe when the stereo is turned up loud enough for the sound to swallow me whole. Literature is another story. My grandmother always taught me that reading was interesting and fun, and that a well-written book could transport you to another place and time. (I sound like a Reading Rainbow commercial, don't I?) In the beginning I read for entertainment, but now I read for the exchange of ideas. As of this writing, I'm 70 pages into Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, and I'm loving every word of it. I find it so beautiful, the way some writers have of using one particular phrase, or evoking one particular image that can make a reader stop and just sit for a moment in reverence. And there are also the little things that make life worth living:

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