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Basketball in Morningside Park

The first ever Morningside youth Basketball game with Muncie City Police Officers was held in Morningside Park on Saturday May 27th 2000.
Morningside Crime Watch had been wanting to get area youth involved in organized activities in Morningside Park and invite some Law Enforcement Officers.
The first Basketball Game was a joint effort of Morningside Parents headed by Jeff Hurst, with the arrangements with Police and advertizement coordinated by Morningside Crime Watch, (the same two groups who co-sponsored our, first in many years, Morningside Park Y2000 Easter Egg Hunt).

On hand from MPD were the following Police Officers ;
The weather was great and overall it was a good day for Morningside to launch its first ever Community Oriented Policing Basketball event with these fine Officers from the Muncie Police Department.

We were hopefull that our Morningside youth would have a donation fulfillment of their own uniforms (with Morningside Team identification), like we have been discussing, but although it has yet to transpire we still hold hopes that someone or a buisness sponsor might step forward with such a donation.

If you have a group of youth who would want to play Basketball with ours from Morningside, just drop our Morningside Crime Watch an e-mail at

This 28 May 2000 page was published and is maintained by Ervin Davis and LAST up-dated on 29 April 2002