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        Disney is notorious for their theme parks and feature films but Disney's corporate arm reaches far beyond these. In fact, Disney's influence, particularly in reference to its control of the media has had some very adverse effects for the company. Twice, Disney has been accused of canceling programs on ABC primetime shows, like "20/20," which brought into question some of Disney's dealings. The "20/20" show made reference to Disney's questionable connection to the Kathie Lee Gifford, sweatshop scandal as well as to Disney's lack of attention to hiring convicted pedophiles. Clearly, Disney's influence in the media world directly affects the information distributed to the general population. For more Disney controversies click here

Disney Selected Holdings:

To see the specifics of the Disney empire, the various companies it owns etc:

 Satellite Flow Chart

 Disney's Broadcasting Companies

Disney's reach also extends beyond these companies.  From hairdryers to watchboxes, Disney has patented some very desultory products. To see some of these miscellaneous patents that Disney has:

    Random Disney Patents


Composed by Caroline deLima