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One of the most powerful CEOs in the business world, Michael Eisner is residing at the top of a very magical kingdom. As CEO of Disney, one of the most powerful and recognized empires in the world, Eisner has the potential of making decisions that could affect many people's lives. Eisner has an outstanding resume, which has supported his rise to such an esteemed position.

Eisner's most recent claim to fame was illustrated in "the merger of disney with the Communications Conglomerate: Capital Cities/ABC (which made) Michael Eisner the single most powerful figure in the international communications industry".

Eisner's annual report

"I always went into an area that was in last place, with a philosophy, 'You can't fall off the floor.' And I was lucky, was at the right time and the right place, with the right ideas, and each one of these areas became number one."

-Micheal Eisner

In the mid-90s, it appeared that Eisner's luck, and Disney's, might be taking a turn for the worse. Initial returns from Euro Disney, the new amusement park outside of Paris, were disappointing. The company abandoned its plans to build a historical theme park outside of Washington, DC. At that moment, Eisner announced the biggest coup of all: Disney was acquiring Capital Cities, the owners of the ABC television network, Eisner's old employer. This merger set off a wave of consolidation in the entertainment and information industries, with Time Warner buying out Turner, and Westinghouse making a bid for CBS. However matters stand when the dust settles, no one will be surprised if The Walt Disney Company and its resourceful CEO, Michael Eisner, come out on top.

Details on the merger

Dinsey's success is attributed to the fact that the company sees to it that good ideas keep coming from all directions and that movies meet their deadlines.

On a humanitarian note, Michael Eisner and his wife Jane are number six on Fortune's 40 most generous people list: Michael & Jane Eisner's donations total $89 million for the Eisner Foundation. This new family foundation supports underprivileged children, especially in Southern California.

Compiled by Katie Perry

Information was acquired from www.achievement.organd