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Name: Meredith Meade

Year: Sophomore


Hometown: Naperville, IL

Hobbies/Interests: I love movies, sleeping, and relaxing

Future of Disney and Media Concentration: Everything about Disney is amazing and I am sure the company will keep getting bigger and bigger for years to come!


Name: Michael Walters


Major: Telecommunications

Hometown: Lebanon, IN

Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, Saxophone, Computers, Sleep, Movies, Visual Effects and 3D graphics, and stealing candy from small children.

Future of Disney and Media Concentration:They have taken over almost every venue of media, but as long as a new media is on the horizon, I think Disney will have its ever watching eye on it. They are competitors and have been throughout history, and I don't think they plan to stop anytime soon. Expect the Disney name to be a household symbol on future advances in media.


Name: Crystal Szewczyk

Year: Sophomore

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Aurora, IL

Hobbies/Interests: music, swimming, art, hanging out with friends

Future of Disney and Media Concentration: By continuously acquiring new media companies, Disney increases its power and influence in the industry. That power will enable Disney to acquire and test even more companies and products. Disney, already a dominant force in the media industry, will continue to have an increased influence well into the next century.


Name: Shawn Lewallen


Major: Sports Communication-Broadcast

Hometown: South Bend, IN

Hobbies/Interests: sports, wrestling, and television

Future of Disney and Media Concentration: Disney will continue to take over media companies and become the dominant force in communication.


Name:Caroline deLima


Major:Theatre and Telecommunications

Hometown:Cohasset, MA

Hobbies/Interests: acting, singing, dancing, writing poetry, designing costumes

Future of Disney and Media Concentration: The Disney Corporation is inescapable. From its media infiltration, to its themeparks and to its various satelite companies, Disney influences many aspects of our lives either directly or indirectly. Unlike other companies, Disney has created an inexhaustable market in its investment in young and future generations. Children are quickly socialized into revering Disney through its clever marketing; in a sense, Disney instills a feeling of the Peter Pan syndrome in young children and with each new generation, a new market is born. Consequently, Disney can only continue to grow, feeding off the imaginations of all of us.


Name:Katie Perry

Year: Sophomore

Major: Telecommunications

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Hobbies/Interests: eating popcorn, making web pages (j/k), traveling

Future of Disney and Media Concentration:Disney and Microsoft will share in owning the entire industry.


Created by: Crystal Szewczyk
