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The Milk Bottle Ghost

This is a story I was told that is interesting. It was suppose to happen in the 1940’s, in a small town in northern Indiana. There were twin teenage sisters who lived in this town, one of which had been recently found dead, an apparent suicide.

Not long after the funeral, a store keeper who knew the family well noticed the living twin come into the store, take a bottle of milk, and walk out without paying for it. He didn’t pay much attention to this, because he knew she was having a rough time dealing with her sister’s death. A couple of days later, the same thing happened. The girl came into the store, took a bottle of milk, and left the store without paying for it. She didn’t even respond to the storekeeper when he spoke to her. This time, he decided he needed to say something to her parents the next time he saw them.

He did see the girl’s father the next day, and mentioned the incidents to him. The father apologized for his daughter’s actions, and promised to talk to her about it. When she was confronted by her father, the daughter denied the incidents even happening. Well, when the same thing happened a couple of days later, the storekeeper decided to follow the girl home & confront her himself. But to his surprise, she turned down a street away from her house.

The storekeeper, not wanting to be spotted by her, kept his distance and just saw her turning into the cemetery as he turned the corner, following her. When he got to the cemetery, he couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw the girl seem to just sink straight into the ground, right over the grave of her sister!

A bit delirious from what he had witnessed, the storekeeper went to the grave and knelt down over it. He seemed to be hearing a faint noise. He leaned over and put his ear to the grave. Yes, it was a muffled sound, like a crying!

Not sure what to do next, he ran all the way to the sheriff’s office and told his story. After hearing the sound himself, the sheriff called for more manpower, and the recently covered grave was soon opened. As they slowly lifted the lid on the coffin, they could not believe their eyes……There in the arms of the dead teenage girl was a live baby, and 3 empty milk bottles.

The End

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