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Pay per Click
Pay per C L I C K
A l l c o m p a n i e s l i s t e d h e r e

You are one of the luckest people on the Web
If you did not know, this is the page you have been looking for
all your internet LiFE

We list companies that we tried and know that they pay for real. If you know any other companies that pay real money please tell me by going to e-mail page (opens a new window and you don't have to use Outlook Express)


The BEST Company I EVER Had
Don't listen to anybody. Get a banner from them and put it on your page
You will see the results on the next day
Plus you can choose what comapny you want to advertise Sends checks for REAL


Pays you $20 dollars for EVERY person you refer
Why refer you ask? - TO GET A FREE WEB-SITE
Get this: You help a person to get a FREE Web-Site and you get paid for it $20 bucks
How cool is that? To sign up or get more info click here


Pays for EVERY Click you can send
Doesn't matter from where
Doesn't matter How
Doesn't metter what kind of page

If you have any web page Get a sponsor NOW


Pays for EVERY HIT or Impretion you can get
People don't have to click on your banners
You get paid for for trafic on your page

If you have any web page Get a sponsor NOW

Banners that PAY (impretions) Click Here


Pays 16 cents for EVERY Click you can send

Join The adClix WebSite Revenue Program

One and ONLY network

This is one of those companies that really care about thire partners(Webmasters)
It sends you a FREE letter home and explane everything to you
I am really glad that i found company like that for myself
Check it out It is really GREAT

Webmasters can make money!


I work with this company for months and it works
You put a banner on your page and for every click that you send on thire page
This company will send a a click on your page
And it is not a fake click - it is a person

Guaranteed visitors to your web site!


This is a VERY good sponsor for your site ,but you need to be 18 or older
After you click on the banner you will be taken to an adult site
As soon as the web-site load Click on "Webmasters"
This Site pays per click + per sign up + Webmaster referel

A good sponsor for your Site

Get a lot of Hits

Your Web Site On