NEWS FLASH ~~ Sid went Winners Dog at the Kalamazoo show on 5-26-02.
Sid and Ann in the line up for Breed.
Sid went home with Auntie Ann, so look for these two at a show near you :)
NEWS FLASH !!! Sid went to Canada with Ann and finished on August 3, 2002.
Sid's 4th place at the Iowa Nationals in Sept 2002.
Sid's Reserve win to the 5 pt Major at our Summer National in Iowa, Sept, 2002.
Sid is now back home and I'm happy to have him back.
He isn't real enthusied about showing, and he still gets majorly car sick on me. So I hope to take him every once in a while, so he may someday finish.
We have 2 Sid sons waiting in the wings now as hopefuls.
They should be in the ring by late spring.
Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
We don't get out to show that often, but when we do it is for fun.
Should we win, well that's the plus side.
Should you see us at a show, please stop by and say hi.
We always love to talk shop! ```oops that's POMS!!
Canadian Champion Kissami's Roadside Attraction aka Sid
He went Best of Winners to cross over for a 3 pt MAJOR.
Judge was Mrs. Mildred Bryant
His first points and what a way to get them!!
Handled and presented expertly by Ann Berryman.
Sid's Major win in Kalamazoo, MI
We now have our first home bred CAN CH. Thanks Ann.
One takes after his daddy and throws up at the site of his travel crate :(. We are working on this issue!