Welcome to my Wishverse Fanfiction Archive! The Season Three episode "The Wish" is one of my favorites and ever since watching it (and rewatching it and rewatching it...), I've been fascinated with the idea of the alternate Sunnydale and its inhabitants. As many of my readers already know, I have been writing my own version of the story, which is turning out to be quite an epic, with no end in sight!

But, after reading a wonderful story on the alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative newsgroup, I started thinking about adding a page to my site that would highlight Wishverse authors. In addition to more chapters of Marta Fernandez's wonderful story, "Second Chance", I've added two new stories by H.G. Hettinger, "Doppelganged Again" and its sequel, "The Winter Brunch" (these two stories link to Hettinger's website). As always, be sure to send lots of wonderful feedback so these authors will keep writing entertaining stories.

If anyone would like to submit a Wishverse story, please e-mail me at Jezebel413@aol.com and let me know. I will also be happy to beta-read anything you send, but it doesn't hurt to use the spellchecker on your computer ;-) Besides, it only means I can get your story out even sooner! Please send me stories!

"Second Chance" ..... written by Marta Fernandez

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Epilogue

"Doppelganged Again" ..... written by H.G. Hettinger

outside link

"Doppelganged Again"

"The Winter Brunch" ..... written by H.G. Hettinger

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"The Winter Brunch"
