19 June 2001


From Jal Khambata

NEW DELHI: It is finally Agra that will host the Indo-Pak summit and Pakistani military ruler General Pervez Musharraf's visit to India will be for three days from July 14, an External Affairs Ministry spokesman announced Tuesday night. He will, of course, land in Delhi for a ceremonial welcome but then move over to the Agra as a retreat for the talks, the spokesman said.

The dates and schedule were finalised by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee soon after flying into Delhi after release from the Breach Candy Hospital of Mumbai. He quickly held discussions with his Principal Secretary Brajesh Mishra, Foreign Secretary Chokila Iyer and India's High Commissioner in Pakistan Nambiar and approved the whole programme.

"At the invitation of the prime minister, Chief Executive of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf and Begum Musharraf will visit India from July 14 to 16. Their stay in India will include a ceremonial welcome in Delhi, a retreat in Agra, where discussions will be held between the two leaders, and a visit to Ajmer Sharif," the spokesman said.

There will be one round of discussions between Vajpayee and Musharraf on July 14 itself and then the two leaders would shift to Agra for further talks, it was announced. END