15 June 2001


From Our Delhi Burau

NEW DELHI: Goa is understood to have been shortlisted for the talks between Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pakistan's military ruler General Pervez Musharraf next month.

It may be either a retreat where the two withdraw for one-to-one talks without the aides after a formal official-level meeting in Delhi or the whole of the summit may itself be shifted from Delhi to Goa. Musharraf is expected to be in India for three days from Monday, July 9.

Musharraf's consent is understood to have been already secured for Goa and Vajpayee would be phoning him "very soon" to communicate and finalise the dates and programme which would be then announced by both simultaneously, a top source in the External Affairs Ministry disclosed.

External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh flew to Mumbai on Friday to meet Vajpayee, recuperating in Breach Candy Hospital after the right knee surgery, to finalise the summit dates, after getting a briefing from High Commissioner Vijay Nambiar who arrived in Delhi Wednesday evening after talking to Pakistan officials.

Nambiar is understood to have told Jaswant Singh that Musharraf wants his trip to be for a maximum of three days. He was busy throughout Thursday briefing Jaswant Singh and other concerned officials in the External Affairs Ministry including Joint Secretary Vivek Katju whose posting as the Indian Ambassador in Mynamar has been put on the hold until Musharraf's visit since he would be required to assist Vajpayee in the talks as an expert on South Asia.

Since it would be the first official meeting between the two countries since after Pakistan's Kargil misadventure soured the relations, more hopes are laid on the direct talks Vajpayee holds with Musharraf which may help in quickly building back the lost confidence. There may not be any major achievement in the talks that are held by them assisted by ministers and officials from both the sides.

Goa was identified as the best place for the meeting between Vajpayee and Musharraf as it was not only the safest place but also has all communication facilities like the international-level airport and the basic telecommunication links. It was initially chosen as the place of retreat where Vajpayee and Musharraf can retire for free and frank talks but it may even become the summit venue itself.

Among those whom Musharraf would like to meet during his visit are being quietly informed to be ready for travelling to Goa and these include the Indian Army chief General S Padmanabhan who has reportedly already planned his visit to the state in the second week of July.

In the event of the whole of the summit being shifted to Goa, Musharraf can skip the flight to Delhi and may land either directly in Goa or via Mumbai, the source said. Goa has the basic facilities to meet the heavy rush of the Media teams from the world over for covering the first highest level meeting that will be taking place between India and Pakistan since after Vajpayee's visit to Lahore two years ago.

Musharraf's reported desire to offer the "Namaaz" (prayers) at Delhi's famous Jama Masjid had put the authorities in a fix as it is one of the most unsafe places in the capital and Delhi Police had informed the External Affairs Ministry that it would be very difficult to provide a "foolproof" security to Musharraf as it cannot stop everyone else from joining the "Namaaz" congregation there. The problem would be overcome if Musharraf agrees for shifting the whole summit to Goa, the source said.

Once the summit dates are announced, a team of the Pakistan officials would be landing in Delhi to complete all the formalities. END