Nesawn cymerwn gorff ein Harglwydd cu

Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord

Nesawn cymerwn gorff
    ein Harglwydd cu,
A'i waed, ddywalltwyd drosom,
    yfwn ni.

Caredig trwy ei werthfawr
    gorff a'i waed,
 chalon lawn diolchwn
    am ei rad.

Trwy rin ei grog a'i
    ddïoddefaint drud
Enillodd Iesu fywyd
    i'r holl fyd.

Offrymodd Ef ei Hun
    dros fawr a mân -
Ei Hun yn Aberth ac
    Offeriad glân.

Aberthau gwael y
    gyfraith yn gytûn,
Cysgodent berffaith
    aberth Mab y Dyn.

Gwaredodd ni rhag angau,
    ac fe rydd
I'r saint ei ras yn nerth
    o ddydd i ddydd.

Nesawn â chalon bur,
    nesawn ynghyd
I brofi gwyston
    iachawdwriaeth ddrud.

Efe, yr Hwn sydd yn
    ei saint yn byw
I'r neb a gred, tragwyddol
    fywyd yw.

Rhag newyn i'r angheus,
    ymborth fydd,
Y Bara o'r nef, a'r
    Dyfroedd bywiol rydd.

Anfeidrol Arglwydd
    pob creadur sy,
Rhown groeso'n awr
    i'th bresenoldeb Di.
cyf. Hymnau Daniel Evans

Tôn [10.10]:
Coena Domini (Arthur S Sullivan 1842-1900)

Let us draw near, let us take
    the body of our dear Lord,
And his blood, poured out for us,
    let us drink.

Loving through his precious
    body and his blood,
With a full heart let us
    give thanks for his grace.

Through the merit of his hanging
    and his costly suffering
Jesus won life
    for the whole world.

He offered Himself
    for great and small -
Himself as a Sacrifice
    and a holy Priest.

The poor sacrifices of
    the law in agreement,
Foreshadow the perfect sacrifice
    of the Son of Man.

He delivered us from death,
    and he gave
To the saint his grace as strength
    from day to day.

Let us draw near with a pure heart,
    let us draw near together
To experience the ransom
    of a costly salvation.

He, the One who is
    living in his saints
For anyone who believes,
    eternal life he is.

Against hunger to the needy,
    sustenance he shall be,
The Bread from heaven, and the
    living Waters he gives.

The infinite Lord
    of every creature he is,
Let us give a welcome now
    to Thy presence.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Draw nigh and take the
    body of the Lord;
And drink the holy blood
    for you outpoured.

Saved by that body
    and that holy blood,
With souls refreshed,
    we render thanks to God.

Salvation's giver, Christ,
    the only Son,
By His dear cross and blood
    the victory won.

Offered was He for greatest
    and for least,
Himself the victim,
    and Himself the priest.

Victims were offered
    by the law of old,
Which in a type this
    heavenly mystery told.

He, ransomer from death,
    and light from shade,
Now gives His holy grace
    His saints to aid.

Approach ye then with
    faithful hearts sincere,
And take the safeguard
    of salvation here.

He, that His saints in this
    world rules and shields,
To all believers life
    eternal yields.

With heavenly bread makes
    them that hunger whole,
Gives living waters to
    the thirsting soul,

Alpha and Omega,
    to whom shall bow
All nations at the doom,
    is with us now.
tr. John M Neale 1818-66
from the Latin

Sancti venite corpus Christi sumite
Antiphonarium Benchorense 7th Century

Tune [10.10]:
Coena Domini (Arthur S Sullivan 1842-1900)
Tune []:
Penitentia (Edward Dearle 1806-91)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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