Cydganwn foliant rhwydd

1,2,3,6;  1,2,4,5,6.
(Galwad i Foliannu)
Cydganwn foliant rhwydd
  I'n Harglwydd, gweddus yw;
Yn nerth ein hiechyd
  Mawr ydyw dawn ein Duw.

O deuwn oll ynghyd
  Yn unfryd ger ei fron,
Offrymwn iddo ddiolch clau
  Mewn salmau llafar, llon.

Cyduned tonnau'r môr
  Eu mawl i'n Iôr o hyd,
A rhoed y ddaear fawr
    a'i phlant
  Ogoniant iddo i gyd.

Anfeidrol fwy yw'r Ion
  Na'r duwiau meirwon, mân,
A Brenin uwch brenhinoedd byd -
  I'w enw byth bo'r gân!

Y môr a'i deulu maith -
  Hwy ydynt waith ein Duw;
A'i eiddo Ef yw'r ddaear gron,
  A phawb ar hon sy'n byw.

O plygwn bawb ei lin
  O flaen ein Brenin mawr;
Addolwn ef, ein dyled yw;
  'Rŷm arno'n byw bob awr.
O plygwn :: Wel, plygwn

William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MB 6686]:
    Ancona (<1875)
    Dennis (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
    Elworth (W J Hughes)
    St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)

(Call to Praise)
Let us sing together ready praise
  To our Lord, it is fitting;
In the strength of our salvation
    let us rejoice,
  Great is the ability of our God.

O come all together
  In unity before him,
Let us sacrifice to him true thanks
  In vocal, cheerful psalms.

Let the breakers of the sea unite
  Their praise to the Lord continually,
And let the great earth
    and its children render
  Glory to him all together.

Immeasurably greater is the Lord
  Than the small, dead gods,
And the King above the world's kings -
  To his name forever be the song!

The sea with its vast family -
  They are the work of our God;
And His property is the round earth,
  And everyone who lives on it.

O let us all bow the knee
  Before our great king;
Adore him, it is our duty;
  Authority to him who ever lives.
O let us ... bow :: So, let us ... bow

2008,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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