Ce's gadarn graig i ymguddio

[Rhan I: 1,3,4.];  1,2,3,4;  1,3,4,5,6,7.
(Buddugoliaeth trwy y Cyfryngwr)
Ce's gadarn graig i ymguddio,
  Ce's feddyg i'm iachâu;
Ce's hefyd Fugail ffyddlon,
  Ce's ffynnon i'm glanhau;
Ce's wisg i guddio'm noethni,
  Ce's eli wrth fy nghlwy,
Ce's Briod diwahaniad,
  Ni byddai amddifad mwy.

Ce's ddwfr o'r graig i yfed, 
  I dori'm syched mawr,
Ce's beunydd fara i'w fwyta,
  O'r nef y daeth i lawr;
Ce's delyn tu yma i angeu,
  Fy holl gystuddiau ffôdd,
I ganu i'r Oen fu farw,
  Mae'n Briod wrth fy modd.

Er bod y'ngrym y rhyfel,
  Y'nghanol mŵg a thân,
Gelynion am fy nifa,
  Tu ôl ac o'r tu blaen;
Er dyfned yw fy archoll,
  Ce's olew yn fy mriw,
A thyna pa'm 'rwi'n canu,
  A thyna pa'm 'rwi'n fyw.

Tra fyddwyf yn y rhyfel,
  Mi edrycha tu a'r nen,
Er gwaned yw fy ngolwg,
  Mi wela pwy sydd pen:
Y gwr fy dan yr hoelion,
  Sy'n gryf o blaid y gwan,
A than ei gysgod tawel,
  Mi ddeua'n iach i'r lann.

'Rwy yma dan y tonnau,
  Yn griddfan lawer awr,
Yn methu cadw ngolwg
  Ar y Messiah mawr:
Ar fyr daw'r dydd
    cai nofio
  I fewn i'w dawel hedd,
Ni chollai'r olwg arno,
  Yr ochr draw i'r bedd.

O deffro di, fy nghalon,
  Myfyria angau loes;
Pa dafod byth all adrodd
  Rhinweddau gwaed y groes?
Oddi yno y llewyrchodd,
  Y wawr nefolaidd sydd
Yn troi tywyllwch dudew,
  Yn oleu fel y dydd.

Ni bydd y wledd ond dechreu,
  Pan ddelo angau ddydd;
Fel 'r amlhao'r dyrfa,
  Caniadau fwy fwy fydd;
Ond pan ddel cyrph y seintiau,
  Yn gryno i gyd o'r bedd,
Rhyw ddechre heb ddiwedd bythol,
  Fydd y drag'wyddol wledd.
1,3,4,5,6,7: Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805
2: Hymnau a Salmau 1840

Tôn [7676D]: Aberystwyth (<1829)

  Rhan II - 'Rwy yma dan y tonnau
  Ymado wnaf â'r babell

(Victory through the Mediator)
I got a rock to hide myself,
  I got a physician to heal me;
I got also a faithful Shepherd,
  I got a well to cleanse me;
I got clothing to cover my nakedness,
  I got ointment on my wound,
I got an inseparable Spouse,
  I shall no longer be orphaned.

I got water from the rock to drink,
  To break my great thirst,
I got daily bread to eat,
  From heaven it came down;
I got a harp beyond death,
  All my afflictions fled,
To sing to the Lamb who died
  He is a Spouse to my delight.

Although being in the force of the war,
  Amidst smoke and fire,
Enemies wanting to devour me,
  Behind and before;
Despite how deep is my wound,
  I got oil in my bruise,
And that is why I am singing,
 And that is why I am alive.

While ever I am in the war,
  I will look towards the sky,
Despite how weak is my sight,
  I shall see who is head:
The man who was under the nails,
  Who is stong on the side of the weak,
And under his quiet shadow,
  I shall come up whole.

I am here under the waves,
  Groaning many an hour,
Failing to keep my gaze
  On the great Messiah:
Shortly the day shall come
    when I get to swim
  Into the temple of peace,
I shall not lose the sight of him,
  On yonder side of the grave.

O awake thou, my heart,
  Meditate on the throes of death;
What tongue can ever report
  The merits of the blood of the cross?
From there shone,
  The heaven dawn that is
Turning pitch-black darkness,
  Into light like the day.

The feast shall only be beginning,
  When the day of death comes;
Thus the throng shall multiply,
  Songs shall be more and more;
But when the bodies of the saints come,
  All trembling from the grave,
Some beginning without ever any end,
  Shall be the eternal feast.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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