Tyred f'enaid ar i fyny

Tyred f'enaid ar i fyny,
  Allan o'r anialwch maith;
Hiraeth sy arnaf am gael gweled,
  Gwledydd hyfryd pen fy nhaith:
Blino teithio'r creigydd geirwon,
  Lle 'rwy'n wastad yn cael briw;
Ac fe'm clwyfid i farwolaeth,
  On' bai cariad rhad fy Nuw.

Lleoedd dyfnion sydd ar aswy,
  Lleoedd dyrys sydd ar dde;
Ac mae'n anhawdd cadw'r llwybr,
  Ag a deithiodd Brenin ne';
Rhag im' golli trwy ryw ryfyg,
  Neu anghredu, neu trwy flŷs,
Help, fy Nuw, luddedig enaid
  'Ddringo'r bryniau serth ar frŷs.

Dal fi i fyny, addfwyn Iesu,
  Arwain f'enaid yn dy law,
Nes im gyrraedd dros bob ofnau
  I'r ardaloedd hyfryd draw;
Ac os yno byth y deuaf,
  Dyna 'ngwaith o fewn y lle -
Chware ar y delyn euraid
  Am rinweddau'i gariad E'.
Chware :: Chwareu

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Alexander (John Roberts 1806-79)
Bodawen (alaw Gymreig)
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Engedi (J E Jones 1856-1927)
Jersey (<1869)

gwelir: Rwy' fi'n dechreu teimlo eisoes

Come up, my soul,
  Out of the vast desert;
I have a longing to get to see
  The delightful lands of my journey's end:
Wearying of travelling the rough rocks,
  Where I am constantly getting bruised;
And I am wounded to death,
  Except for the free love of my God.

Deep places are on the left,
  And troublesome places are on the right;
And it is hard to keep the path,
  Which the King of heaven travelled;
Lest I be lost through some recklessness,
  Or being unbelieving, or through pleasure,
Help, my God, a corrupt soul
  To climb the steep hills quickly.

Keep me up, gentle Jesus,
  Lead my soul in thy hand,
Until I arrive across every fear
  To the delightful regions yonder;
And if ever I come there,
  This is my work within the place -
To play on the golden harp
  About the merits of His love.

tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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