Taened gweinidogion bywyd

Taened gweinidogion bywyd,
  Iachawdwriaeth Iesu ar lêd;
Cluded moroedd addewidion
  Drosodd draw i'r rhai digred:
    Aed Efengyl
  Ar adenydd dwyfol wynt.

Doed preswylwyr yr anialwch,
  Doed trigolion
        bro a bryn;
Doed y rhai sydd ar y cefnfor,
  I garu'r iachawdwriaeth hyn:
    Nes b'o adsain
  Moliant yn amgylchu'r byd.

Duw teyrnasa ar y ddaear,
  Gorllewin, gogledd, dwyrain de!
Cymmer feddiant o'r ardaloedd
  Pella, t'wlla, îs y ne':
    Haul Cyfiawnder,
  Llanw'r ddaear fawr â'th ras.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Lewes (John Randall 1717-99)
Peniel (Isaac Tucker 1761-1825)

  Arglwydd grasol dyro ymhorth
  Duw teyrnasa ar y ddaear

Let the ministers of life spread
  The salvation of Jesus abroad;
Let the seas convey promises
  Over yonder to those unbelieving:
    Let the Gospel go
  On wings of divine wind.

Let the inhabitants of the desert come,
  Let the inhabitants
        of vale and hill come,
Let those who are on the ocean come,
  To love this salvation:
    Until the echo
  Of praise be surrounding the world.

God, reign on the earth,
  West, north, east, south!
Take possession of the furthest,
  Darkest regions, under heaven:
    Sun of Righteousness,
  Fill the great earth with thy grace.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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