Mae enw'm Ior fel ysol nerthol dân

(Enw Crist)
Mae enw'm IOR fel
    ysol nerthol dân,
Dim tan y nef ni safa
    byth o'i flaen;
  Yr iachawdwriaeth werthfawr sydd o hyd
  Yn gwneuthur uffern gref i grynu i gyd.

O'r enwau oll a roddir i fy Nuw,
Hwnw ei hun y gwerthfawrocaf yw,
  Hwnw a gafodd Ef ar Galfari,
  Pan y dioddefodd dros fy enaid i.

Rho allu im', fy Nuw, o hyn i maes,
I ddweud yn dda am dy anfeidrol ras;
  Ac na bo genyf
      neges yma mwy,
  Ond ymhyfrydu yn dy farwol glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn []: Birmingham (Francis Cunningham)

gwelir: O f'enaid c'od sefydla'th wamal fryd

(The Name of Christ)
The name of my Lord is like
    a strong, consuming fire,
Nothing under heaven shall
    ever stand before it;
  The precious salvation is always
  Making all strong hell tremble.

Of all the names to be given to my God,
This itself is the most precious,
  This He got on Calvary,
  When he suffered for my soul.

Give power to me, my God, from now on,
To tell well about thy immeasurable grace;
  And may I have no
      message here henceforth,
  But to delight in thy mortal wound.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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