Llewyrched pur oleuni'r nef

(Llwyddiant yr efengyl)
Llewyrched pur oleuni'r nef,
  Dros wyneb daear faith;
Ac aed efengyl gadarn gref,
  Hyd at bob llwyth ac iaith.

Doed dehau, gogledd, dwyrain faith,
  Gorllewin o un fryd,
I edrych ar brydferthwch gwaith
  Iachawdwr mawr y byd.

Fe gân y Negroes tywyll, du,
  Yn hyfryd, maes o law;
Pan d'wyno gwawr efengyl gras
  Dros dir yr India draw.

  Rhown fawl ar gân i gyd;
Sain haleluia fo 'mhob man
  Trwy bedwar ban y byd.
faith :: maith
Hyd at bob llwyth :: At bob rhyw lwyth
dehau :: dëau

- - - - -

(Ymdaeniad Gwybodaeth Efengylaidd)

Llewyrched pur oleuni'r nef,
  Dros wyneb daear faith;
Ac aed efengyl gadarn gref,
  Hyd at bob llwyth ac iaith.

Gwybodaeth bur, a chywir gred,
  Ehedont dros y byd;
Aed dawn yr Oen
    at bob rhyw iaith
  Dros ddaear faith i gyd.

Doed dehau, gogledd, dwyrain faith,
  Gorllewin o un fryd,
I roddi moliant pur yn awr
  I Brynwr mawr y byd.

Aed ei air i blith y werin
Sy'n y dwyrain a'r gorllewin,
Fel ca'i enw mawr heb derfyn
  Ganu iddo, ganu iddo,
Haleliwia ' gylch y byd.
1802 Casgliad J R Jones 1765-1822
priodolwyd i John Henry Davies, Mynwy
    gan Llawlyfr Moliant 1890

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Cambridge New (John Randall 1717-99)
    Farrant (Richard Farrant c.1530-80)
    Gloucester (1621 Salmydd Ravenscroft)
    Missionary (<1835)
    Newington / St Stephen (W Jones 1726-1800)
    St Agnes (<1905)
    St David (1621 Salmydd Ravenscroft)
    St Flavian (1562 Salmydd Day)
    Winchester Old (1592 Sallwyr Este)

(The success of the gospel)
Let the pure light of heaven shine,
  Across the face of the vast earth;
And let the firm, strong gospel go,
  As far as to every tribe and language.

Let south, north, vast east,
  West come of one intent,
To look on the beauty of the work
  Of the great Saviour of the world.

The dark, black Negroes will sing
  Delightfully soon;
When the dawn of the gospel of grace shines
  Across the land of yonder India.

To the FATHER, and the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT
  Let us all render praise in song;
The sound of hallelujah be in every place
  Through the four corners of the word.
As far as to every tribe :: To every kind of tribe

- - - - -

(The Spread of Gospel Knowledge)

Let the pure light of heaven shine,
  Across the face of the vast earth;
And let the firm, strong gospel go,
  As far as to every tribe and language.

Pure knowledge, and true belief,
  Let them fly across the world;
Let the gift of the Lamb go
    to every kind of language
  Across all the vast earth.

Let south, north, vast east,
  West come of one intent,
To render pure praise now
  To the great Redeemer of the world.

Let his word go amongst the folk
Who are in the east and the west,
Just as his great name has no end
  Singing to him, singing to him,
Hallelujah around the world.
tr. 2011,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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