Iesu rhedaf at dy orsedd

(Gorseddfainc y gras)
Arglwydd, rhedaf at dy orsedd,
  Dyna'r fan fy enaid ca'dd 
Iechyd, pan yr oedd gelynion,
  Duon atgas bron fy lladd:
    Nid oes noddfa,
  Is y nefoedd ond dy hun.

Wrth dy orsedd di mae bywyd,
  Yno caf fi hedd a grym;
Ac ni fethodd is y nefoedd,
  Ag a geisiodd genyt ddim:
    Minnau aflan,
  Ddeuaf at orseddfa hedd.

Er dy fod di heddyw'n eistedd
  Yn ngogoniant nef y nef,
Mewn goleuni mor ddysgleiried
  Na ellir nesu ato ef;
    'R'wyt yn edrych,
  Ar d'anwylaf yn y byd.

Ti wnai wyrthiau
      os bydd achos,
  Cyn yr elo'r gwan i lawr;
Mae dy enw
      er y cynfyd
  Wedi swnio i maes yn fawr;
  Ydyw enw mawr fy Nuw.

Iechydwriaeth rad ei hunan
  Yw fy nadlo flaen y nef;
Derfydd byth
      am dana'i'n hollol,
  Oni chaf o'i haeddiant ef;
    Iesu'i hunan,
  Oll o flaen y fainc i mi.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787447]:
Catherine (David Roberts 1820-72)
Erromanga (O M Williams 1877-1958)
Lewes (John Randal 1717-99)
Verona (alaw Eidalaidd/Ellmynig)

Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig
Wrth dy orsedd 'r wyf yn gorphwys

(The throne of grace)
Lord, I run towards thy throne,
  There is the place my soul got
Health, when black, detestable enemies
  Were almost killing me:
    There is no refuge,
  Under heaven but thyself.

At thy throne there is life,
  There I get peace and force;
And nothing failed under heaven,
  That was sought from thee:
    I unclean,
  Shall come to thy throne of peace.

Although thou art today sitting
  In the glory of the heaven of heaven,
In light so radiant
  It is not possible to approach it;
    Thou art looking,
  On thy most beloved in the world.

Thou wouldst do miracles
    if there were a reason,
  Before the weak one goes down;
Thy name has been,
      since the primeval world,
  Sounded out greatly;
  Is the great name of my God.

Free salvation itself
  Is what I argue before heaven;
Everything shall pass away
    about me completely,
  If only I get of his merit;
    Jesus himself,
  All before the throne for me.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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