Gwaith gruddfan sydd gan bwys euogrwydd du

(Gruddfan a gobeithio)
Gwaith gruddfan sydd,
    gan bwys euogrwydd du,
Gwaith ymladd llym,
    gan rym gelynol lu:
  Gwaith gwylio'n ddwys
      rhag pob dirgelaidd frad;
  Pwy ddwg fy maich
      mewn dyrys anial wlad?

Mae'r gyfraith gref,
    mae'm pechod mawr ei bwys,
Mae angau du
    i'm digaloni'n ddwys;
  Mae maglau'r llawr
      fel drygau mawr i mi;
  Ond, Iesu,'m rhan
      a'm tarian ydwyt ti.

'Does eisiau'n bod,
    nac ofn, na chlais, na chlwy',
Ar f'enaid tlawd,
    heb fod gan Iesu fwy;
  Anfeidrol fwy
      o werth sydd yn ei waed;
  Os trengu wnaf,
      mi drengaf wrth ei draed.
cyf. Thomas Jones 1756-1820

Tôn []: Guestwick (<1835)

  'Does eisiau'n bod nac ofn na chlais na chlwy'
  O Iesu gwiw gwyn fyd a brofo'th Ddawn

(Groaning and Hoping)
A time of groaning
    the weight of black guilt has,
A time of a sharp attack,
    the force of a hostile host has:
  A time of watching intently
      against every secret betrayal;
  Who will bear my burden
      in a troublesome desert land?

The strong law is,
    my sin of a great weight is,
Black death is intensely
    disheartening to me;
  The stumbling of the earth
      is like great evils to me;
  But, Jesus, my portion
      and my shield art thou.

There is no need for there to be,
    either fear, or bruise, or wound,
On my poor soul,
    without Jesus having more;
  Immeasurably more
      of value is in his blood;
  If I do die,
      I shall die at his feet.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Jesu dulcis memoria
    Bernard of Clairvaux 1091-1153

    Jesu the very thought is sweet!
      (tr. John Mason Neale 1818-66)

    Jesu thy mercies are untold
      (tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78)

    Jesus the very thought of thee
      (tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78)

    Jesus thou joy of loving hearts
      (tr. Ray Palmer 1808-87)

    O Hope of every contrite heart
      (tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78)

    Of him who did salvation bring
      (tr. Anthony W Boehm 1673-1722)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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