Caed concwest ar Galfaria Fryn
Caw'd concwest ar Galfaria Fryn
Gwnaed concwest ar Galfaria Fryn
Gwnawd concwest ar Galfaria Fryn

1,2,(3,(5));  1,2,5,3;  1,3,(4,5,6).
Gwnawd concwest ar Galfaria fryn,
Am dano canodd myrdd cyn hyn,
  Fe faeddwyd uffern fawr i gyd:
Fe brynwyd gwael golledig ddyn,
Fe wnaed y ddwy blaid ddig yn un,
  A gwaed Iachawdwr mawr
      y byd.                        [MR]

Wel, dyma'r Cyfaill goreu gaed;
Mae'n ganmil gwell
    na mam na thad;
  Yn mhob caledi ffyddlawn yw:
Mae'n medru maddeu a chuddio bai,
Ac o'i wir fodd yn trugarhau
  Wrth bechaduriaid gwael eu rhyw.  [MR]

Ei haeddiant mawr anfeidrol Ef,
A lwyr foddlonodd nef y nef;
  A geidw'm henaid yn ddigryn;
Yn ngwres y dydd a'r stormydd mawr
Efe a'm daliodd hyd yn awr;
  Gogoniant byth i Geidwad dyn.     [MR]

Er cyfraith gyfiawn yn ei grym
Euogrwydd du ac angeu llym,
  Ac uffern am fy llyngcu'n fyw,
Yr Oen a laddwyd ar y bryn,
Yw f'Amddiffynfa hyd yn hyn,
  Fy Nghyfaill digyfneid yw.        [MR]

Yr afon fawr o waed y groes
Yw iechyd f'enaid ddydd a nos:
  A thyma pam yr wyf yn fyw:
Mae'r ffynnon fywiol, fawr, ddi-drai,
Yn para byth i ddyfrhau -
  Anfeidrol haeddiant gwaed fy Nuw. [MR]

O clyw ngriddfannau Arglwydd Dduw!
'Rwyf bron a syrthio weithiau'n friw,
  Dal fi â'th Hollalluog law:
Ym mhob 'storom tryw fy oes,
Rho yspryd im'
    gofleidio' groes,
  Ne's gorphwys ar dy ddeheulaw.    [MR]

               - - - - -

Gwnawd concwest ar Galfaria fryn,
Am dani canodd myrdd cyn hyn,
  Fe faeddwyd uffern fawr i gyd:
Fe brynwyd gwael golledig ddyn,
Fe wnaed y ddwy blaid ddig yn un,
  A gwaed Iachawdwr mawr
      y byd.                        [MR]

Nis gall angylion nêf y nêf,
Fynegu maint ei gariad Ef,
  Mae angeu'r groes
      yn drech na'u dawn:
Bydd cânu uwch am Galfari,
Nag glywodd yr angylion fry,
  Pan ddelo Salem bur yn llawn.     [WW]

Rhyw ddyfais o anfeidrol faint,
Oedd cariad Iesu at ei saint,
  Agorodd ffordd i ganol nef:
Cariad heb gymhar iddo'r un,
A nofiodd yn ei waed ei hun
  Trwy angeu, oedd ei gariad ef.    [WW]

Boed oesoedd meithion fwy na mwy,
Heb rif, heb ddarfod arnynt hwy,
  I ganu am dy ddirfawr boen;
Na thawed tafod o unrhyw,
Na dim o dan y nef sy'n byw,
  Byth sôn am goncwest
      addfwyn Oen.                  [MR]

Am iddo farw ar y bryn,
Ca'dd f'enaid bach ei gànu'n wyn,
  A'i dynu o'i gadwynau'n rhydd;
Byth bellach dan ei haeddiant ef,
Fel cysgod cedrwydden gref,
  Gorphwysaf mwy
      yn ngwres y dydd.             [WW]

Câf yno ddedwydd, dawel fyw,
Uwch brâd gelynion
    o bob rhyw,
  O swn y drafferth,
      a phob gwae;
A threulio trag'wyddoldeb mwy,
I ganu am ei ddwyfol glwy',
  Mewn anthem fythol i barhâu.      [WW]

Y penaf drysor heddyw yw,
O fewn y nefoedd, gwaed fy Nuw,
  Holl sylwedd y caniadau i gyd;
A dyma'r gwaed
    a roddodd iawn,
I bur gyfiawnder nef yn llawn -
  Fy hedd a'm cysur yn y byd.       [WW]

Yr afon fawr o waed y groes
Yw iechyd f'enaid ddydd a nos:
  A thyma pam yr wyf yn fyw:
Mae'r ffynnon fywiol, fawr, ddi-drai,
Yn para byth i ddyfrhau -
  Anfeidrol haeddiant gwaed fy Nuw. [MR]

               - - - - -

Gwnawd concwest ar Galfaria fryn, 
Am dano canodd myrdd cyn hyn,
  Fe faeddwyd uffern faith i gyd:
Achubwyd gwael golledig ddyn,
A gwnawd y ddwyblaid ddig yn un,
  A gwaed Iachawdwr mawr
      y byd.                        [MR]

Na thawed tafod o un rhyw,
Na dim o dan y nef sy'n byw,
  Heb son am goncwest
      gwaed yr Oen;
Bydd oesoedd meithion fwy nâ mwy,
Heb rif, heb ddarfod arnynt hwy,
  I ganu am ei ddirfawr boen.       [WW]

               - - - - -

Caed concwest ar Galfaria fryn,
Am dani canodd myrdd cyn hyn -
  Fe faeddwyd uffern fawr i gyd:
Fe brynwyd gwael golledig ddyn,
Fe wnawd y ddwyblaid ddig yn un,
  A gwaed Iachawdwr mawr
      y byd.                        [MR]

Bu gruddfan caled arno Ef,
Nes crynu'r ddae'r a duo'r nef,
  Nes rhwygo'r creigiau serth
      yn friw:
  Gruddfanodd Ef, dyoddefodd wae,
Fel gallem ninau lawenhau,
  A hoffi fyth a chara'n Duw.       [WW]

Boed oesau meithion fwy na mwy,
Heb rif, heb ddarfod arnynt hwy,
  I ganu am ei ddirfawr boen:
Na thawed tafod o un rhyw,
Na dim o dan y nef sy'n byw,
  Ond sôn am goncwest
      addfwyn Oen.                  [MR]

               - - - - -

Gwnawd concwest ar Galfaria fryn,
Am dano canodd myrdd cyn hyn;
  Fe faeddwyd uffern faith i gyd:
Fe brynwyd gwael golledig ddyn,
Fe wnawd y ddwyblaid ddîg yn un,
  A gwaed Iachawdwr mawr
      y byd.                        [MR]

O bob trysorau tan y nef,
Y pennaf yw ei heddwch ef,
  Ei fath ni fedd yr India fawr:
Yn unig hwn a'm ceidw'n hy,
Yn erbyn g'lynion mwya cry',
  Na chaffont byth mo mhen i lawr.  [MR]

Rhyw ddyfais o anfeidrol faint,
Oedd cariad Iesu at ei saint,
  Agorodd ffordd i ganol nef:
Cariad heb gymhar iddo'r un,
A nofiodd yn ei waed ei hun
  Trwy angeu, oedd ei gariad ef.    [WW]

Boed oesoedd meithion fwy na mwy,
Heb rif, heb ddarfod arnynt hwy,
  I ganu am dy ddirfawr boen;
Na thawed tafod o unrhyw,
Na dim o dan y nef sy'n byw,
  Byth sôn am goncwest
      addfwyn Oen.                  [MR]

               - - - - -

Gwnaed concwest ar Galfaria fryn,
Am dano canodd myrdd cyn hyn,
  Fe faeddwyd uffern faith i gyd:
Fe brynwyd gwael golledig ddyn,
Fe wnaed y ddwyblaid ddig yn un,
  A gwaed Iachawdwr mawr
      y byd.                        [MR]

O dyma ddyfais fwya'i maes,
Fwya'i chariad,
    fwya ei gras,
  Agorodd ffordd o'r ddae'r i'r nef;
Cariad heb gymhar iddo'r un,
A nofiodd yn ei waed ei hun,
  Trwy angeu oedd ei gariad ef.     [WW]

Fe gongcrodd trwy angeuol glwy,
O elynion creulon nerthol fwy,
  Nag all'sai byd eu congcro'n un:
Fe faeddodd uffern ëang lawn,
Ar ben Calfaria un prydnawn,
  Yn lân heb neb ond ef ei hun.     [WW]

Doed bellach Indiaid
    pella'r byd,
Doed gogledd, dwyrain, de y'nghyd,
  Canent ei iachawdwriaeth ef;
Dadseinied holl dafodau'r byd,
Ag euraidd d'lynau'r nef y'nghyd,
  Na pheidient
      tra fo nef y nef.             [WW]

O dewch y'mlaen yn ddi-nacad,
Mi glywa swn caniadau'r wlad,
  Peth o'r gorfoledd,
      peth o'r clod;
Difyrwch yn nghwmpeini Duw,
Nad oes o dan y ser yn byw,
  Adnabu am ei fath erioed.         [WW]
[MR]: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
[WW]: William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
Gresford (<1876)
Jennings (<1825)
Llangoedmor (John Jeffries 1718?-98)
Llangollen (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)
Nashville / Hen Salm 113
    (Psalmydd Clément Marot 1543)
Newcourt (Hugh Bond)
Pengwern (<1875)
Sardis (<1825)

  Ni's gall angelion/angylion nef y nef
  O bob trysorau tan y nef
  O dyma'r ddyfais fwya'i maes
  Pam'r ofnaf ddu gymylau'r nos
  Wel dyma'r cyfaill goreu gaed
  Y penaf drysor heddyw yw
  Yn angeu Crist caed haeddiant drud

A conquest was had on Calvary hill,
About it a myriad have sung before this,
  Great hell was vanquished altogether:
Wretched, lost man was redeemed,
The two angry parties were made one,
  With the blood of the great Redeemer
      of the world.

See, here is the best Friend ever had;
He is a hundred thousand times better
    than mother or father;
  In every hardship faithful he is:
He is able to forgive and cover a fault,
And of his own will show mercy
  To sinners of the worst kind.

His great, immeasurable merit,
Completely satisfies the heaven of heaven;
  And will keep my soul unshaken;
In the heat of the day and the great storms
He has held me until now;
  Glory forever to the Saviour of man.

Despite the righteous law in its force,
Black guilt and keen death,
  And hell wanting to swallow me alive,
The Lamb who was slain on the hill,
Is my Fortress until now,
  My unchangeable friend he is.

The great river of the blood of the cross
Is the health of my soul day and night:
  And that is why I am alive:
The lively, great, unebbing fount is
Continuing forever to water -
  The immeasurable merit of my God's blood.

Oh, hear my groans, Lord God!
I am almost falling many times bruised,
  Hold me with thy Almighty hand:
In every storm throughout my life,
Give thy spirit for me
    to embrace the cross,
  Until resting at thy right hand.

               - - - - -

A conquest was had on Calvary hill,
About it a myriad have sung before this,
  Great hell was vanquished altogether:
Wretched, lost man was redeemed,
The two angry parties were made one,
  With the blood of the great Redeemer
      of the world.

The angels of the heaven of heaven cannot
Express the extent of His love,
  The death of the cross
      overwhelms their ability:
There will be louder singing about Calvary,
Than the angels above have heard,
  When pure Salem comes fully.

Some scheme of immeasurable extent,
Was the love of Jesus towards his saints,
  He opened a way to the centre of heaven:
Love without aything equal to it,
Which swum in its own blood
  Through death, was his love.

Let the vast ages more and more,
Without number, without fading away,
  Sing about the enormous pain;
Let no-one's tongue be silent,
Nor anything under heaven which is living,
  Forever mentioning the conquest
    of the dear Lamb.

Because he died on the hill,
My little soul got bleached white,
  And pulled from its chains free;
For evermore under his merit,
Like the shade of a strong cedar tree,
  I will rest henceforth
      in the heat of the day.

I will have there quietly living happiness,
Above the treachery of enemies
    of every kind,
  From the sound of the trouble,
      and every woe;
And spend an eternity henceforth,
Singing about his divine wound,
  In an anthem eternally to continue.

The chief treasure today is,
Within heaven, the blood of my God,
  The whole substance of all the songs;
And here is the blood
    which gave satisfaction,
To the pure righteousness of heaven fully -
  My peace and my comfort in the world.

The great river of the blood of the cross
Is the health of my soul day and night:
  And that is why I am alive:
The lively, great, unebbing fount is
Continuing forever to water -
  The immeasurable merit of my God's blood.

               - - - - -

A conquest was had on Calvary hill,
About it a myriad have sung before this,
  Vast hell was vanquished altogether:
Wretched, lost man was saved,
The two angry parties were made one,
  With the blood of the great Redeemer
      of the world.

Let no-one's tongue be silent,
Nor anything under heaven which is living,
  Without mentioning the conquest
    of the blood of the Lamb;
Let the vast ages more and more,
Without number, without fading away,
  Sing about the enormous pain.

               - - - - -

A conquest was had on Calvary hill,
About it a myriad have sung before this -
  Vast hell was vanquished altogether:
Wretched, lost man was redeemed,
The two angry parties were made one,
  With the blood of the great Redeemer
      of the world.

There was a hard groan upon Him,
Until the earth shook and heaven blackened,
  Until the steep rocks split
      into fragments:
He groaned, he suffered woe,
That we instead might rejoice,
  And delight in forever and love our God.

Let the vast ages more and more,
Without number, without fading away,
  Sing about the enormous pain:
Let no-one's tongue be silent,
Nor anything under heaven which is living,
  But mention the conquest
      of the dear Lamb.

               - - - - -

A conquest was had on Calvary hill,
About it a myriad have sung before this;
  Vast hell was vanquished altogether:
Wretched, lost man was redeemed,
The two angry parties were made one,
  With the blood of the great Redeemer
      of the world.

Of all treasures under heaven,
The chief is his peace,
  Its kind great India does not possess:
In him alone, who keeps me confident,
Against the strongest enemies,
  They will never get my head down.

Some scheme of immeasurable extent,
Was the love of Jesus towards his saints,
  He opened a way to the centre of heaven:
Love without anything equal to it,
Which swum in its own blood
  Through death, was his love.

Let the vast ages more and more,
Without number, without fading away,
  Sing about the enormous pain;
Let no-one's tongue be silent,
Nor anything under heaven which is living,
  Forever mentioning the conquest
    of the dear Lamb.

               - - - - -

A conquest was had on Calvary hill,
About it a myriad have sung before this,
  Vast hell was vanquished altogether:
Wretched, lost man was redeemed,
The two angry parties were made one,
  With the blood of the great Redeemer
      of the world.

Oh, here is a scheme, the greatest out,
The greatest its love,
    the greatest its grace,
  He opened a way to the centre of heaven;
Love without anything equal to it,
Which swam in its own blood
  Through death, was his love.

He conquered trough a mortal wound,
From cruel, strong, greater enemies,
  Than any the world could conquer:
He vanquished wide, full hell,
On the summit of Calvary one afternoon,
  Completely with no-one but himself.

Henceforth let the distant Indians
    of the world come,
Let north, east, south come together,
  Let them sing his salvation;
Let all the world's tongues sing,
With the golden harps of heaven together,
  Let them not stop
      while ever the heaven of heaven be.

Oh, come-ye along unhesitatingly,
I hear the sound of the songs of the land,
  Something of the jubilation,
      something of the praise;
Enjoyment in the company of God,
There is nothing under the stars living,
  That has ever known anything of its kind.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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