Cyflawnodd Crist y ddeddf

(Dyoddefaint Crist)
1 Cyflawnodd Crist y ddeddf,
  Yn ol ei chyneddf fywiol;
Gan berffaith anrhydeddu hon,
  Yn ei gofynion nefol.

2 A thrwy anfeidrol werth
  Ei aberth archolledig,
Fe ddaeth yn iachawdwriaeth wiw,
  I ddynolryw colledig.

3 Ei fwyd pur i lawr
  Ro'es Iesu mawr grasusol,
Tan gafod tost digofaint Duw,
  I ni gael byw'n dragwyddol.

4 Er tywallt môr o waed,
  Trwy hwn ni chaed maddeuant,
Aneifig ebyrth, llesg eu rhyw,
  Rhy eiddil yw eu haeddiant.

5 Ni allai angel pur,
  Nac un creadur nefol,
Nac aur, na pherlau gwerthfawr drud,
  Trysorau byd amserol,

6 Ddileu mawreddol rym,
  Effeithiau awchlym pechod;
Na rhoddi Iawn tros gamwedd dyn,
  A'i ddwyn
      yn un â'r Duwdod.


7 Ond wele ar y groes,
  Yr hwn a ro'es foddlondeb!
Trwy briod aberth
    Crist ei hun,
  Daeth Duw a dyn mewn undeb.

8 O gwelwn ddagrau gwaed,
  O'i draed a'i ddwylaw tirion!
Pan hoeliwyd ef ar ddirfawr grog,
  A'i ben dan bigog goron.

9 Mewn ing a gwaedlyd chwys,
  Bu'n gogoneddus geidwad;
Ond ni ddiffoddodd angeu llym,
  Drag'wyddol rym ei gariad.

10 Mewn dirfawr gur a gwawd,
  Pob rhan o'i gnawd oedd glwyfus;
A'i enaid hefyd, anwyl Grist,
  Yn wir oedd drist a phoenus.

11 O ôl y waew ffon,
  Y tarddodd ffynon fywiol;
Hon sy'n ddigonol i lanhau,
  Ein mawrion glwyfau marwol.

12 O'i brynedigion oll,
  Yr un ni chyfrgollir;
Er sychu'r mor,
    er llosgi'r byd,
  Y rhai'n i gyd a gedwir.

13 Hwy ânt trwy angau'n rhydd,
  I'r pur lawenydd nefol;
Ac etifeddant, yn ei wedd,
  Dangnefedd yn dragwyddol.
Robert Williams (Robert ab Gwilym Ddu o Eifion) 1766-1850

[Mesur: MB 6686]

    Er tywallt môr o waed
    Mewn ing a gwaedlyd chwys

(The Suffering of Christ)
1 Christ fulfilled the law,
  According to its lively disposition;
By perfectly honouring this,
  In his heavenly requests.

2 And through the immeasurable worth
  Of His wounded sacrifice,
It came as a fitting salvation,
  To lost humankind.

3 His pure life down
  Graciously laid great Jesus,
Under the bitter shower of God's wrath,
  For us to get to live eternally.

4 Despite the shedding of a sea of blood,
  Through this forgiveness is not obtained,
Innumerable sacrifices of a weak kind,
  Are too feeble in their merit.

5 A pure angel could not,
  Nor any heavenly creature,
Nor gold, nor costly, valuable pearls,
  Treasures of a temporal world,

6 Destroy the great force,
  Of the keen effects of sin;
Nor grant Atonement for the misdeed of man,
  And lead him to be
      at one with the Godhead.


7 But see on the cross,
  The one who has made satisfaction!
Through the appropriate sacrifice
    of Christ himself,
  Have God and man come into union.

8 Oh let us see drops of blood,
  From his feet and his two tender hands!
When he was nailed on the huge gibbet,
  And his head under a thorned crown.

9 In anguish and bloody sweat,
  He was a glorious Saviour;
But sharp death has not extinguished,
  The eternal force of his love.

10 In a great beating and scorn,
  Every part of his flesh was wounded;
And his soul also, dear Christ,
  Truly was sad and afflicted.

11 From the mark of the spear,
  Sprang a lively fountain;
This is sufficient to cleanse,
  Our great mortal wounds.

12 From all his redeemed,
  The same not to be damned;
Despite the sea's drying,
    the world's burning,
  They are all to be saved.

13 They shall go free through death,
  To the pure heavenly joy;
And they shall inherit, in his countenance,
  Peace eternally.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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