Craig yr Oesoedd ga'dd ei hollti

Rock of Ages cleft for me

(Taro'r Graig)
Craig yr Oesoedd ga'dd ei hollti,
  Imi ynddi wneyd fy nyth;

Dŵr a gwaed i'm cwbwl olchi,
  Ac i'm canu'n berffaith byth;

Llwyr iachâd i'm henaid clwyfus,
  Cysgod yn y tanllyd ddydd;

Ffordd yn arwain i baradwys,
  Noddfa rhag y llid a fydd.

Pe llifeiriai ' nagrau'n hidyl,
  Sel heb ballu ddydd na nos,

Ni wnai'r rhai'n byth iawn am bechod:
  Nid oes iawn
    ond angau'r groes!

Pan fo'r galon hon yn pallu,
  Angau'n t'w'llu llygaid syn;

Craig yr Oesoedd ga'dd ei hollti,
  Fydd fy lloches i'r pryd hyn.
cyf. Casgliad o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1876

Tôn [8787D]: Hamburgh (J Schop / F Filitz)

(Striking the Rock)
Rock of the Ages which was split,
  For me in it to make my nest;

Water and blood to wash me completely,
  And bleach me perfectly forever;

Total healing to my wounded soul,
  Shade in the fiery day;

A way in the desert to paradise,
  A refuge against the wrath which is to be.

Were my tears to flow abundantly,
  Zeal without faltering by day nor night,

These would never make satisfaction for sin:
  There is no satisfaction
    but the death of the cross!

Whenever this heart shall fail,
  Death darken senseless eyes,

Rock of the Ages, which was split,
  Be my refuge at that time.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
  Let the water and the blood,
  From Thy wounded side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure;
Save from wrath and make me pure.

Not the labour of my hands
Can fulfil Thy law's demands;
  Could my zeal no respite know,
  Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to the cross I cling;
  Naked, come to Thee for dress;
  Helpless look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Saviour, or I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyes shall close in death,
  When I soar to worlds unknown,
  See Thee on Thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.
1776 Augustus M Toplady 1740-78

Cuyler (J Hyatt Brewer 1856-1931)
Petra/Redhead (Richard Redhead 1820-1901)
Toplady (1830 Thomas Hastings 1784-1872)
Wells (Dmitri Bortnianski 1751-1825)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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